All we know (Pt. 2) - V.Nikiforov x Reader x Y.Plizetsky

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(Y/N) didn't know when the hell had it all started to go wrong.

One minute she thought that herself and Viktor actually had a chance and now here Viktor is parading with some new charity case he found somewhere.

Was she just like that? Just another one of his charity cases?

Then what had been all of those 'I love you's' and 'You're my world's' been for?

Was he saying all of those to that girl while she lays here in her misery, staring up at the dark and unforgiving ceiling as she thinks of what she had done wrong to deserve all of these?

The (H/C) haired young woman always had these thoughts along with the occassional self-doubts and nagging uncertainty of whether she's even fit to stand beside Viktor on any common ground even when the man himself had always been there to reassure her that she had all but earned her keep.

But now, it just doesn't seem like it.

Now, all she could think of is how someone could so easily hide lies behind innocuous smiles and sweet gestures. How someone only needs so much as to gain such a tiny place in your heart to conquer you. How someone need not to bare their teeth and bite down on your throat to kill you.

As her brain processes the same thoughts over and over again, all she could see in her mind's eye were Viktor's sparkling turquoise eyes and his thin lips fixed in that radiant smile. All she could recall was the feel of his gentle touches as her ears replay whatever memories she had of his familiar baritone saying some few chosen words.

Solnyshko (little sun). Lyubov moya (my love). Dorogaya (darling).

I missed you. I never should've left you.

It still sounds like home...

Just remember that whenever I skate, it would always be for you and my dreams as all these medals would always be as well...

Can you be the darling princess of this old and wary prince?

It's time to skate for me, my love.

I love you...

(E/C) eyes clamps shut as she desperately kept the tears from falling but to no avail.

She thought she had been over this.

Apparently she still isn't.

There's no legitimate break up. Nothing credible enough from Viktor to tell her that it is over.

(Y/N) doesn't know if it's for the better or for worst.

But what she does know is that whatever shit this is, it's starting to wear her off.

It was always the same routine ever since Viktor had agreed into coaching that Russian princess.

There would be that unmistakable pang of betrayal that runs so deep and thick that it makes her choke on air before fully sliding down her throat to restrict her heart and break her soul.

It will break her everytime and she would cry over it then she'll eventually get tired of crying and-

"He's a complete idiot." A deep voice resounds through the deafening silence of the hotel room.

Momentarily pausing her thoughts to acknowledge the owner of such a handsomely gruff voice, she turns her head to see the blond Russian teen emerge from the bathroom.

Steam escapes from the slightly opened door whose frame Yurio decides to momentarily lean on against, a towel wrapped haphazardly around his lower half and a few beads of water glistening from exposed skin. His soft blond locks are weighed down with the extra weight of liquid, and his feet were bare.

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