Close your eyes (and I will make your dreams come true) Part 3: Viktor x Reader

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"What the hell?" (Y/N) didn't know if she mouthed it or downright said it straight to the Russian figure skater's face. Figured it wouldn't have mattered because there was still the glass that seperates them and she's just some other person with a flowery vocabulary.

Viktor smiled and the girl could only look behind her back and both her sides at what the silver haired wonder was smiling at. 'It couldn't be me,' she thinks, 'why the hell would he even smile at me?'

But there was no one out there, and nothing even remotely worth of smiling at, save for that mini advertisement for a buffet at some Chinese restaurant inside the mall. 'Chinese sounds good,' she voices the thought out in her head and makes it his own, must be that, he must be hungry.

And so, she moves to take a step back. The song her headphones were playing had long ended but she kept them there, too embarassed to even make a move that doesn't end with her getting as far away from here as she can.

Her friend was still calling her name out from the other end of the line, demanding to know whatever on earth she had gotten herself into this time and she unconsciously ends the call and slips her phone back in her pocket. (E/C) hues still fixed on sparkling turquoise orbs.

It was breath taking. But that doesn't change the fact that her interpretation of Agape sucks and she should just get the hell out of there before she could even embarrass herself more than she might've already did in that stolen video.

Two steps back. He was still smiling, probably thinking that she'll get inside, but she turns and he seemed to have gotten whatever it was she was thinking because he was suddenly pushing his way through the crowd to get somewhere else and (Y/N)'s mind had already kick-started to haul her ass off to safety by the time Viktor had actually gotten outside.

No one could deny how much she looked up to the man ever since she had learned of figure skating around the age of four. His grace, charm and natural talent when in comes to dancing on the blades was so ethereal that it had never once failed to overwhelm her whenever she'd watch his performance on the television, it was all so much that it was already intimidating at some point.

And he's at Russia, the Grand Prix or anywhere else that isn't Japan during those times. But now he's here and had somehow -probably- watched the video of her sloppy premature attempt of skating to Agape.

What is she bound to feel after all that? Any rational person would flee in the name of saving whatever's left of their fragile self-esteem. More outgoing ones with too much time to spare and so-called free-will would definitely take such an opportunity head-on and come rushing towards the fulfillment of their dreams with no second doubts.

But (Y/N) isn't outgoing, and neither does she have the time to spare dallying in the name of uncertain triumph that lies in the future that is still yet to be seen.

(Y/N), being who she is, would preferably slink back home, crawl her way back into her bedroom unnoticed and curl into a ball of shame whilst rocking herself back and forth, hoping sleep would just take her away and get rid of the memories and that she'll just wake up as if nothing had ever happened.

Too bad this situation's just too real to pass out as something made up and the world just seemed to do it's outmost best to rotate against her favor today because her feet are doing a horribly slow job at taking backward steps and her body's still yet to fully turn away from the skating rink.

Of course it wasn't an unknown fact that Viktor is bound to catch up to her stumbling form with all the time in the world to spare and give his footsteps the same elegance his skating has.

"Hello!" he chirps, one hand raised in the air to wave at her. (Y/N) reciprocates with a tiny absent-minded wave of her own.

The thought of how his sunshiney personality served a stark contrast to his fitted black t-shirt and puffy black jacket on the waist with dark grey sweatpants combo couldn't seem to slip off her mind and the fact that his immaculately fair skin just seemed to do pretty much the same thing nailed it all the more deeper in as he drew closer.

"Would you be interested in joining today's lessons?" He asked and (Y/N) knew he was already in front of her but she was way too fascinated with the ground beneath their feet.

Also, Viktor seemed to be standing on sock-clad feet.

That's interesting.

-----To be continued

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