Close your eyes (and I will make your dreams come true) Part 4: Viktor x Reader

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(Y/N) isn't the type to just forget and dismiss posted questions, so she shakes her head instead. Currently trusting her voice less than she trusts her stubborn limbs.

Viktor seemed taken aback, he looked like the type who isn't used to rejection, the girl thinks she could figure out why well enough on her own, thank you very much.

"Why?" he asks after a few heartbeats. His voice was undeniably soft, as if he's testing new waters, molding himself so that he wouldn't terrify her...that much, it seems.

" not monetarily prepared just yet." she answered. Her confidence enduring a rather critical blow from the fact of having close to nothing for another two months or so for skating fees. She's not getting anywhere with this, she's eighteen, she should just think about getting work and being able to pay the bills. The girl sighs.

A thoughtful look crossed the Russian skater's face as he tilted his head a bit to the side, one finger raised to his chin in thought before he seemingly arrived at a conclusion and dropped his hand. A wide grin on his face as he announced,

"Haven't you heard? Today's lessons on me!"

"But I thought it's only for the members-"

Viktor shook his head and a gloved hand was suddenly offered for her to take, "I teach people with potential. I heavily doubt being a member of your town's local rink has any role to play in that."

(Y/N) only stared at the hand for a good ten seconds, black seemed to look awfully good on this guy, she thought, "Neither."

For all her mumbling, she figured that Viktor wasn't really bound to catch up on every single thing she had and is about to say. So it didn't really come as a surprise when he asked.

"Excuse me? I didn't quite catch you."

She then spoke up, a little bit louder this time, "I have neither the potential nor the membership." She didn't mean to sound so self-degrading or sulky but it seemed to come out as that nevertheless.

The look on the Russian's face softened a bit, almost resembling pity despite of the smile he chose to wear it in, "Perhaps," he answered bluntly and (Y/N) fought the urge to flinch at his brutal honesty, "-but I could see passion in the way you skated to Agape. It was you, right?" an elegant brow rose in askance. His question was almost rhetorical in a way since he already seemed to know the answer to that.

The (H/C) haired girl couldn't help the blush rising up to cover her cheeks, neither was she able to keep herself from going on the defensive, "It was sloppy. I didn't know what I was doing, it was my first time skating and-" she would've continued blabbering on if Viktor's jaw hadn't dropped in utter surprise as he stared back at her with wide eyes.

In the middle of it all, she thought that denial would've made everything so much easier. A simple, 'No, you must've mistaken' could've done the trick but she had just got to go and own in up by trying to justify her futile attempt at skating.

"Your first time?" he asked, slowly, leaning in as if searching her eyes for any traces of deception while trying his profound best to recollect himself.

(Y/N) nodded, backing away a bit. Unlike the Russian man, she wasn't that keen on people popping her personal bubble, "Like I said before, I never had any funds to afford skating on a regular basis."

Viktor blinked before straightening his back once more, "-but you have done things that first timers wouldn't have been able to achieve." he muttered, mostly to himself as he continued to look curiously at her.

"Yeah, but nearly at the cost of my own life," the girl scoffed, gaze still on the floor before decidedly looking back up at Viktor, "You don't know how many bruises I've sported just because of that one attempt," before her voice dropped to a whisper and her head was turned away from him once more, "-not to mention the occasional bumps on the head and the cuts from reveling on the blades with my hands. God..."

There was an almost inaudible gasp from the man in front of her, "You touched the blades?" he asked incredulously, breaking into a chuckling fit.

"You're interesting." he muttered after calming down, a warm smile now plastered on his face that (Y/N) had seen from her peripherals.

(E/c) eyes dropped to the ground at this. Who wouldn't shy away from such a beautiful smile? "I have always been a fan of figure skating since I was young." she answered, sheepishly playing with her feet and hoping that he'll just let her go.

He won't.

Raising a finger to tap his chin in thought, Viktor leaned most of his weight on his left foot as he looked to the side, "That won't simply cut it. I myself had choreographed that program for Yurio. Given that Agape had already had an array of versions, the one you skated to had the highest technical difficulty." his smoldering gaze was back on hers, eyebrows furrowed and slightly unbelieving.

"Didn't you see how many times I fell?" the girl's tone had an edge of frustration as she shook her head before looking defiantly into the taller man's eyes, "I don't have any reason to lie, okay?" (Y/N) shoved her trembling hands inside her hoodie's pocket. The only time she was given a chance to talk to her idol and it had got to be this way.

Still, after heaving a resigned sigh, she went on, "I've always wanted to skate, ever since I was four. I had a lot of goals established to cover up the fact that I can never afford such an expensive dream as being a competitive skater, or just skating, really.

But I just never seemed to be able to let it go so when I finally had the chance to at least try it, I did. And I am frigging eighteen by that time so what on earth would you even expect from me?" she finished with an aggravated huff, openly glaring at the space just beside Viktor.

"I only did the only thing you could expect from an avid fan. And sorry if I didn't do Agape any justice." she muttered, beginning to get depressed now. Brows furrowed and a pout on her lips, barely keeping herself together as the moments passed by.

But of course, out of all her mumbled nonsense, Viktor had just got to catch up on this one, "I didn't say it was that horrible." he tilted his head to the side, genuine guilt written on his handsome features.

"Geez, thanks." the girl found herself chuckling bitterly in sarcasm at the man's lame attempt of consoling her, "No need to feel guilty about it though. I know it sucked, I don't even know who recorded it but they seemed to have found brutal entertainment on seeing me roasted so good for them,"

Viktor seemed more than just a little amused as laughter began to bubble out from him. It didn't take him long to burst out though. Arms wrapped around his stomach as he furiously tried to reign it in.

"For an old man, you sure do find a lot of reasons to laugh, don't you?"

The silver haired man looked half mildly offended and half full blown taken aback.

-----To be continued

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