Christmas Part 2: Yura - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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Part two to 'Christmas: That day of the year where your heart is in the right place.'

Work Text:

"You called her." A voice deadpanned from the corner of Yuri's hotel room and out from the shadows emerged Yuri Plisetsy dressed in his usual attire of his blue Russian team jacket and jeans.

Yuri was surprised he wasn't able to notice the younger skater walk into his room, "Since when did you get there?" He asked, a bit unnerved and shocked when the blond had sent him a tiny glare.

It's not as if Yura still held any grudge towards the little piggy though, his glares where more done out of habit now than anger, "Around the time you began to look as if you ate something bad and had gotten constipated." He walked closer to sit on the floor at the foot of the bed Yuri is sitting on, "So?"

"So?" The Japanese Yuri turned to look at him with pure innocence and askance in his brown eyes.

Yura couldn't have kept his own from narrowing at what he branded as the man's innate stupidity, "What did she say?" At least his tone of voice seemed to have voiced out his inner thoughts.

Yuri blinked in realization, "Oh." Before he wrung his hands and looked down at the carpet instead, "She said she couldn't make it."

Green eyes widened at the answer, but the Russian Yuri did his absolute best to hide his disappointment by turning his head to the side, "Thought so," he muttered, bringing one of his knees close to his chest,

"what even made you ask in the first place?" He turned back to look up at the older skater. The blond's tone was sharp yet not menacing or meant to hurt in anyway, he was just plain curious, "You knew it is the GPF for the ladies' singles anyways. It was impossible." And he wished that the drop his voice took had been unnoticeable.

Fortunately, the Japanese Yuri looked preoccupied with his own thoughts to even bother noting the change in his tone.

It didn't take long for the older skater to turn to look back at him though, and when he did, he had a rather sad smile on his face, "You know how Viktor is. You were there when we asked about what he would want to have on his birthday."

Yurio shrugged, a pout forming on his lips, "You also know how stupid that old guy could be. He of all people knows that hauling (Y/N) to Barcelona during the ladies' singles is impossible." The boy looked at his feet before muttering, "It would've already been hard enough to get ahold of her on a normal day, what made him think it would be possible now?" The dejection still clear as day on the green eyes he tried so hard to hide.

And then there was a comforting hand on his shoulder as the older skater dropped to join him on the ground, "You know," the Japanese began, warmth on his brown eyes when Yurio turned to face him with bewilderment in his entire face, "She asked me to look after you and Viktor. Told me not to let Viktor bully you too much." He chuckled at the last part.

Yurio only scoffed, a light blush beginning to form on his pale cheeks, "Of course she would. She'd always been the mother hen who'd unnecessary dote on me over every single thing I do and don't do." He tossed his blond locks to the side indignantly.

Brown hues blinked in sudden realization, "So you've already met her?" The younger skater gave him a wide-eyed look as if he somehow expected the older one of them to know, "What is she like?" Yuri asked, much more curious now than he was before.

The Russian skater narrowed his eyes at him, "Haven't you already talked to her? She's pretty much how she is on Skype as she is in person," before he cringed despite of the fond smile and deeper flush on his cheeks, "probably more touchy because there wouldn't be any screen to separate you from her."

Yuri chuckled, "I figured just as much. But she means well."

A blond head nodded, "I know."

"You miss her." And he didn't miss the slight flinch on the younger skater's body.

Yurio averts his gaze to the side and thinks back to the days where it had always been Viktor and (Y/N) cheering him on before competitions.

He felt a bit guilty for ever taking those little moments for granted because now, both of the older people whom he looked up to had separated and started pursuing individual careers.

The Kiss and Cry just seemed too cold and too empty for him after his performances now.

Despite of Yakov and Lilia both being there, he grudgingly admits that it was different when it was Viktor and (Y/N).

When it was those two who sandwiched him in between their overly enthusiastic selves as they endorsed him over public television, "I bet that old oaf does, much much more."

And he's talking about the secret and meaningful looks of sheer gentleness that he had caught Viktor throwing the girl over his head. Those same looks that (Y/N) would always reciprocate with equal tenderness.

"You too." The Japanese Yuri's next words almost didn't come as a surprise to Yurio anymore, he figured just as much had been presented on his face due to his previous recollections.

So he didn't dare execute a feeble attempt at denial, "Yeah," the boy admitted with a resigned sigh, "who wouldn't? Makkachin and Leonheid too."

Because really, that large tabby cat -despite of how much Yurio loves it- just won't stop being a huge pain in the ass whenever and wherever he brings it with him and (Y/N) isn't around to scold it.


Yurio looks back at the older skater with a blank look on his face as he whipped his phone out, "The cat (Y/N) gave to me as a birthday present." He shrugged and flipped over his gallery in search for the cat's photos.

"See?" He spoke after finding what in his opinion was a rather ravishing photograph of his pet.

His tone was definitely proud, almost like a mother to his own son, Yuri couldn't help himself from chuckling.

"What are you laughing at, you big fatso?!"


-----To be continued

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