Christmas Part 4: Viktor (Morning) - Viktor Nikiforov x Reader

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Part 4 to 'Christmas: The time of the year where your heart is in the right place.

Work Text:

Her program for this year's GPF was amazing. Her points beating her personal bests and a world record or two as it always does upon the announcement of scores.

It didn't really strike Viktor as a surprise when she did win another gold in this year's Grand Prix, but nevertheless, he was still as proud as he had always been.

What did surprise him was the recent post he saw on (Y/N)'s Instagram account the moment he had gotten on his phone after taking a quick morning shower.

He still only had a mere towel wrapped haphazardly around his waist but he couldn't bring himself to care -at least enough to even bother locking his door or do anything to make himself remotely decent should someone just barge in- because his (Y/N) had posted something over social media and he had to be the first one to see it (and probably comment on it) before anyone else does.

There were two: the first one being a fabulous photo of her with the other skaters on the podium without any captions but the tags #GPF #LadiesSingles #Gold. Her costume sparkling and reflecting from where the spotlights had hit it, a crown of blue roses on top of her elegantly done (H/C) locks as she held up the gold medal that hung around her neck, her other arm nursing an astounding amount of bouquets.

The Russian skater couldn't have helped himself from commenting even though he tried.

@V-Nikiforov, exemplary as always. Wish I could've been there!

He meant it to sound casual, nondescript even, like some ordinary praise from skater to co-skater.

But of course the rest of social media won't take it that way because they're from different divisions, and it's not as if Viktor had been this discreet enough before with his advances towards the girl to have kept the media from noticing anything.

So just like that, the comments had practically spawned by hundreds per ten seconds and almost caused the server he was in to crash down.

Though before it did, he had managed to see the other photo that @(Y/A/N) had posted. This one, was a bit cozier than the other one, he assumed it was taken from her hotel room in France.

The photo had shown (Y/N) leaning on the metal rails of her balcony, overlooking the lighted streets of France at midnight down below, the Eiffel tower just a few miles infront of her but it was still able to fit inside the shot. Still dressed in her personalized skating jacket of white and gold along with a fitted pair of black shorts and her rubbershoes. Her (H/C) strands was now in a messy bun as she held something close to her lips.

It was glistening and bouncing off what little light had hit it but it was enough for everyone else to make out that it was her gold medal she had her lips pressed up against. She was looking at the distance with a thoughful look on her fair face but it doesn't take Viktor ten seconds to realize that that gesture of hers is her own way of saying that she misses him too.

He almost didn't need the caption below it to know. But he did read it anyways.

Wish you were here as well.

Is anyone in favor of something round and golden as a present?

@V-Nikiforov, I am!

And there goes the comments once again and both Yuris plus Yakov had to pry the Russian skater off any forms of digital devices before he could even cause an even more destructive uproar in social media.

He didn't miss the like and the ;) from his @(Y/A/N) though, and it was enough to make him smile as he was brought down a chair by both Yuris, Mila and Minako to prepare for later. Viktor almost didn't mind to be stripped off his phone, but that was almost two hours ago.

He could only survive for so long without his phone, or (Y/N), but having neither at the moment, two hours already began to seem like an eternity for the Russian skater-turned-coach.

"Can I have my phone back?" He whined for the nth time as he shrugged on the bathrobe he was given to cover himself up with, a pout on his lips when he was given shakes of 'no' from four different heads.

His pleading turquoise hues met a lone green one from the mirror and he tried once again, "Come on, Yurio, please?"

The blond boy shook his head as he took a step back and waved the older man's phone in his hand as if to tease, "No can do." He smirked when Viktor gave him a poor attempt at a glare from where Minako and Mila took turns combing through his hair.

The man sighs, but not after making one last shot at a chance to get his possession back.

Mila was just about to spritz some hair spray on his locks when he spontaneously stood up and lunged at Yurio.

The boy's only visible green eye widened in complete shock and he barely jumped out of the older skater's way just in time to keep himself from being caught. Stumbling backwards, Yurio glared at Viktor, "Idiot! I almost gotten spritz with the hairspray!"

"It was aimed at my hair!" The silver haired main reasoned.

Yurio looked as if he was about to explode, "You moved out of the way. I was behind you, you old oaf!"

Viktor scoffed, "You're overreacting."

The younger of the two pointed an accusing finger at the man, "And you're being childish!"

"Hey, you two, calm down." Minako interjected, trying to get Viktor to sit still once more but the man wouldn't budge. Still equally as immersed in their little staredown as Yurio is.

Both women had tried their outmost best to stop the two Russians from throwing verbal volleys (that only grew more and more nonsensical as their petty argument went on) but the two proved both childish and stubborn enough not to pay them any heed.

It was somewhere around the time Japanese Yuri decided to speak up that the two momentarily paused with their verbal war,

"You two sure have the nerves to act all crazy over almost being spritz on by hairspray when in all actuality, it was me who was hit on the frigging eyeballs by that thing."

Everyone inside the room froze to look at the only person inside the room who only ever said a word until now.

Indeed, Katsuki Yuri's eyes were both red and glistening with tears.

"HOW THE HELL? AREN'T YOU WEARING GLASSES?!" Yurio yelled in disbelief, his own eyes wide, because seriously.

The older shied away from the curious glances thrown in his direction. He fidgeted in his place before answering, "I took them off..."


Viktor look subtly amused at both his protégés. Though he really did wonder why the older of the two chose that exact moment to take his glasses off, "You sure do pick the worst of moments to take your glasses of now. Don't you, Yuri?" He rose a brow at the Japanese.

This caused the blacknette to flush, "I-It's not as if I did that i-intentionally" he spluttered incoherently before looking at Yurio pleadingly. Desperately asking for the younger's help.

With a reluctant sigh and a face-palm after a face that seemed to say 'Seriously...', the younger Russian executed his attempt to divert Viktor's attention from the poor man, "Hey, old oaf." He called out in the most demanding tone he's capable of and sure enough he gained the eldest's attention.

Once he did, he took a couple of steps back and opened the door. Leaning casually with his back on the frame, and twirling the phone in his hand before hollering, with mischief sparkling in his green eyes, "I'm thinking about how good your phone would look under the pool."

Viktor visibly flinched because the look on the fifteen year old's face meant monkey business, and knowing the punk, he could and he would do something of that caliber. No matter how much he pleaded.

So he resorted to the only other thing his instinct told him to do and it ended up with two Russians -one decent and the other barely- running around the many halls of the most famous five star hotel in Barcelona.

All three that were left in the room didn't bother follow the two in fear of added embarrassment at having to be involved with their little game of tag.

-----To be continued

Do You Wanna Build A Snowman? - Viktor Nikiforov x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora