All we know (Pt. 7.5 / 2)

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Too tired to even bother squirming underneath that heated gaze, she allows him to do as he wishes.

"You look gorgeous." He states in all seriousness as he drops down to her level to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

The (H/C) haired young woman allows herself a scoff, "You're only saying that 'cause you're literally all over me." She opens her arms wide as if to make him see every single mark and essence he left on her before wrapping them around his shoulders to pull him back down again for another kiss.

This earns her a helpless little chuckle in the middle of their locked lips and a little snuggle on that junction between her neck and shoulder that the blond boy seemed to grow undeniably attached to afterwards, "I'll clean you up later, mama." He whispers softly, his own exhaustion finally surfacing. A cuddly little kitten starting to replace the libidinous tiger that was unleashed not too long ago.

Yurio looks up at her slightly dubious face and shoots her a genuine smile and a tired sigh, "I promise." He pecks her cheek before attempting on one-upping her by cuddling until they both fell asleep then and there.

Of course, (Y/N) saw through this and attempted to shrug his heavy build off of her all the while giggling, "You and I both know you're lying, Yura!"

"Mmmm... But I really want to sleep, mama..." The teen mutters incoherently as he snuggles closer to her chest and feigned a couple of snores, "You see, I'm still a growing boy."

"Growing boy my ass!" The (Y/nationality) skater chuckles and lands a playful slap on the Russian's behind.

The blond only resorts to using his long limbs to cling unto her like an overly large koala, "It's so bloody sticky, Yura! Clean up or get off and I'll do so myself." She fidgets within the confines of the Russian teen's embrace in an attempt to free herself.

One green eye peeks up at her and she could feel a sly smirk stamping on the valley between her chest, "Really? You'll clean up?" He asks suggestively as he pinched her side.

It takes her a few beats to catch up to this but when she did, her cheeks instantaneously burned red. Her hands beginning to tug on strands of long blond in an attempt to pry the teen off of her, "You perverted little tiger!"

After a few failed attempts, Yurio seemed to have gotten to the conclusion that he wouldn't even get to steal any sleep -or snuggles for the matter- at all with the girl moving so restlessly about and braces himself up by his side using one of his arms.

He then allows himself a sigh as he clamped his tired eyes shut and ran a hand through his soft blond locks before settling on crawling downwards so that he is settled in a kneeling position between her limbs.

Lifting her foot, he places it close to his face and kisses its base, "Such a demanding, mama." He mutters in slight irritation and earns himself a foot on the cheek.

Quickly pulling the appendage off his face, he gives the girl a look of utter displeasure, "You're lucky I love you, (Y/N)." He suddenly states as his sparkling and slightly tired mint green hues gazed at her from his peripherals.

This catches her completely off-guard that all the blood rose up to her cheeks with no chances of prevention at all.

Nevertheless, this seemed to be enough of an encouragement for the Russian Punk to continue with his osculations and heart-warming declarations,

On both feet, "You're lucky that I love these feet that had never once stepped on anyone- before you literally kicked me on the face, that is." He gives her a pointed look before those glaring green eyes grows soft once more as he continues, "These feet that had drawn me to you as you danced on the blades, and had, ever since then, always set my heart up on fire."

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