To Roll or To Fold? Just Shove Them In, Idiots! - V.Nikiforov x Reader ft. Yurio

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Where Viktor and Reader are arguing about what's the best way to pack their clothes and Yurio storms in on them.

"Just shove them in, idiots! Why do you even need that much clothes?!"

And also because Yurio's way too excited for his first trip to Disneyland and the two are arguing like an old married couple when they aren't even engaged yet and Yurio just hopes Viktor will gather enough balls to pop the question soon enough.

Work Text:

Yurio doesn't even know why he agreed to this but what he does know is that this'll be his first trip to Disneyland and he won't let it pass just because he'll have to deal with two -or yeah, okay, make that one- adult who couldn't bring himself to ask one girl for her hand in marriage just yet.

It's unbearable, really. How Viktor comes up to him every now and then just to dote on him about things he couldn't even find as horribly significant as the older man makes them as.

Seriously, how the hell does the color of the toothbrush he brought with him or the suitcase he chose to carry his things in had got to do with anything at all?!

For all he knows, the man just seemed to be using this little family setting just to get a firm grasp over something he's still yet to hold because of his cowardice.

Yurio hates it.

"-like I said, Yura. You should've let me come with you when you bought your suitcase. Had you not been so stubborn then you would at least have something better than that," the silver haired skater pointed at the blond teen's tiger stripes patterned case that sat at the foot of the stairs (he was currently at the top) "-thing." Viktor grimaced at his lack of any appropriate words to say about how horrible the suitcase was.

Ever since he was younger, Viktor had always seemed so stupid when it comes to thinking of any negative adjectives, much less how to openly say them.

Perhaps the older skater had been prancing over flower fields his entire life that not once had he thought about insults as much as the Russian tiger does. Yurio shivered at the mental image that popped in his mind.

"Seriously, what the hell does my suitcase have to do with anything, you old oaf?!" The blond boy yelled out from the bottom, glaring daggers at the older skater.

Upon hearing the teen's outburst, a (H/C) girl of around (Y/A) years emerged from the bedroom at the corner.

"I have to agree with Yura. What does his suitcase have to do with anything, Vitya?" The young woman chuckled from where she momentarily paused from packing her own things to lean back on the other side of the wall opposite to Viktor.

The man shook his head, and gestured for her to follow him as he went back inside their shared bedroom.

"It's just that, we've got matching ones..." He began with his back turned on her and he began folding his clothes to pile them in his classy black suitcase.

They agreed on buying customized matching black suitcases. Viktor had a large scriptwritten V with a king's crown on top of it in a metallic light blue while (Y/N) had a scriptwritten (First letter of your name) on hers with a queen's crown on top in a mettalic (F/C).

He lifted his gaze to turn and meet (E/C) hues that had an elegant brow raised in question. The owner momentarily pausing from where she was rolling her own clothes to tip her head at him to continue.

Viktor sighed, "And I just don't want Yura to feel left out." The man finished before disappearing into the bathroom en suite and retrieving two toothbrushes. He handed the clear turquoise one to the girl as he kept the other of a (E/C) color and slipped it into the case that held his toiletries.

"You know, little tigryenok (tiger) is going to majorly freak out the moment he finds out that that is your reason for judging the living daylights out of his suitcase." Wisps of (H/L), (H/C) strands whipped across her fair face as she laughed at the older skater's trifles.

After a couple more clothes and necessities, she tossed her own toothbrush at the man who caught it with ease, "Held unto that for me, will you?"

"Of course, malysh (baby)." The silver haired skater winked before placing the items inside his bag.

Just as he was beginning to close the lid of his suitcase, he realized that zipping it closed seemed downright impossible because of reasons he's still yet to determine.

Viktor had been staring at his case for about a minute when he decided to speak up, "(Y/N), I think I might have a little bit of a problem here." He said slowly as he forced the items down with his weight using both of his arms as he narrowly avoided trying to sit on it just to zip it up.

A few grunts and Viktor turned to see the girl caught in the same dilemma as him.

Although unlike him who hesitated, she was downright sitting on her things just to make them fit inside her case.

It wasn't like the older skater to fuss too much over things like these, but for the sake of the clothes and stuffs she might be crushing with her weight, he protested, "I don't think whatever it is you're trying to do is working, babe." He chuckled as he momentarily paused with his own vain attempts and resorted to resting his folded elbows on the edge of the bed instead as he admired the (Nationality) girl that managed to ensnare his heart.

Huffing, the (H/C) young woman plopped down on the bed. Her entire body spread on the mattress as she looked up at Viktor.

The other skater was upside down from her view point but that amused and fond smile still managed to release the same amount of butterflies in her stomach as it would've been in a normal standpoint.

Reaching one hand up, she caressed a few silver strands before lightly flicking the Russian on the forehead, "What're you looking at, lapochka (sweetie pie)?" (Y/N) giggled despite of the apparent hitch in her breath as Viktor leaned in to plant a chaste kiss on her lips that quite resembled a variation of what she had grown to know as 'the spiderman kiss'.

"Just savoring the precious sight of the woman of my dreams laying on my bed." The silver haired man hummed with a lazy smile on his face as one of his slender hands took her outstretched one and placed it close to his lips as he kissed it.

The girl shook her head in slight incredulity all the while giggling, "Yeah right, real smooth." She snorted sarcastically as she pulled herself back up in a sitting position, turning a bit so that her upper body was facing the other skater, "I couldn't really expect anything less from Russia's Living Legend." She rose a teasing brow at the man.

Noticing the current mess that is Viktor's luggage at the moment, (Y/N) was quick to pull her legs so that she sat in a kneeling position infront of the skater and his suitcase, "Now, how about we start packing yours first?" The young woman tilted her head a bit to the side and flashed the other a close-eyed smile.

And that was where everything went downhill...

-To be continued

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