Offline Haters

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Offline haters

Please read the authors note at the end

Tyler groaned as he saw a small boy with blue hair walk in his direction. He was surrounded by his friends. He slammed the door of his locker and walked angrily away. As soon as he passed the boy, his smile faded. "Tyler," he said, nodding. "Ethan," Tyler responded.

Ever since their first class together Ethan and Tyler hated each other.

Tyler had the grades, he was good at every subject, from math to gym. He was at the top of the school and every teachers favourite. He barely had friends but everyone knew him. But nobody expected less for his parents had a very popular business; they were basically considered geniuses.

Ethan was the opposite. He was funny and easy to get along with. He didn't have very good grades, but always managed to joke around with them. He had tons of friends, even the people from higher classes liked him. Nobody even dared to bully him for he would just reverse the roles and make fun of you in front of the whole school. He had always a quick comeback. All the teachers liked him too; it wouldn't be the first time a teacher would burst out in laughter and wouldn't recover. And Ethan would lean backwards with a self-satisfied smirk.

Nobody exactly knew what happened between them. Of course there were rumours why the two most well-known boys hated each other, the most popular one being that Ethan made fun of him and Tyler being the serious and grave boy he was couldn't stand it.

This, however, was not the truth. What actually happened was something only the two boys knew. Their parents were rivals in business. Tyler's parents pulled a smart move and caused Ethan's to go bankrupt. Nobody even knew that Ethan's parents had a business, let alone that they used to be very successful.

Tyler threw his backpack on the floor. "I'm home, mother, father." His parents were both behind a computer busy with planning and arranging. "Honey," his mother said to him, "We want you to stay silent upstairs. There is an important person coming over tonight and we cannot have you make any sound." Tyler nodded. "Yes mother." His mother quickly kissed his cheek, although there wasn't any feeling in it. "You can study. You'll need those grades because you are going to inherit our business." Tyler nodded again. His parents wanted him to get good grades and planned his whole future. They were even looking for a suitable wife. But Tyler didn't want that. He wanted to be just like Ethan, with friends. Ethan would probably easily find a girlfriend, or what Tyler wanted, a boyfriend. He wanted a fun life, not stuck behind a computer in a business suit.

Ethan also arrived. He tried to be as silent as possible and go to his room, but his father opened the door. "Son! Come here!" He internally cringed. They would probably scold him for his grades. He always got the minimum grade to pass and he was happy with that. But his parents weren't. "You know you need to get better grades, don't you? You need to defeat them...The Scheids..." His father spat at the name of Tyler's family. Ethan sighed. "Yes father." "Good. Go study then. Less fun, more studying." And he basically pushed him out of the living room. Ethan felt tears well up. He would give so, so much to just hear their parents say: "We're proud of you, Ethan." Or just "good job." But no matter what he did, he was never good enough. He heard his parents say when he was younger they wanted another son that would be better at studying. It never happened, but Ethan wished it did. He wanted to be just like Tyler, good grades and a proud family. Tyler would probably get a good job and earn good money. He would probably hear every day "good job Tyler. We're proud of you." Ethan ran up the stairs and locked his door.

The game they are going to enter is just like real life but with monsters and bosses and stats. They don't have to move for they control with their minds. Their bodies are also not the same, they get to choose their looks. The game looks like real life.

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