Some Things Come (Super)Natural

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Some things come (super)natural

Guess who's back? This is an one-sided conversation.

Warnings: I will put a warning by the deaths, also which object. Smoking (at the beginning), demons, side character death, blood, an actual story, S U P E R N A T U R A L.

Hunter Tyler gives a boy a ride with his car. But the boy turns out to be not quite the average.

The boy sleepily rubbed his eyes as a yawn escaped his lips. His feet left a trial of imprints in the soft ground, telling where he came from. He wasn't walking properly, as if he were drunk. And judging from his bloodshot eyes, he could be high too. He had bags under his eyes and his lips were chapped. His face was filthy and his hair was greasy. It was as if he hadn't slept, eaten or washed himself in days.

He titled his head, leaning against a tree, the stars which reflected dimly in his hazel eyes. His lips were slightly parted, breathing in and out relaxed. He seemed to admire the view – but his eyes seemed to curse it. They were dead, the only light in them the stars. They were cold as the night, dark as the sky. It was as if all life had slipped out of them and got lost in all worries he has. His face didn't show any emotion, making him look dead. He sighed as he felt a raindrop slide down his cheek. At least he hoped it was a raindrop – he couldn't start crying in the open – but soon his thoughts were confirmed by dark clouds hovering above him.

It was harder to walk in his wet pants. The rain had turned the earth into mud and erased every imprint he had left. He held out his thumb, hoping anyone would make out his figure through the curtain of rain.

Tyler breathed out, enjoying the feeling of the cigarette between his teeth. His music boomed through his car, his fingers tapping along the rhythm on the steering wheel he was turning lazily. The car wheels were slippery and the road wet, making him slip more than he would have liked to. The windows were suffused with raindrops. His vision wasn't clear, and the wipers were only helping a little. He groaned between his teeth – still holding his cigarette tight between them – mentally cursing this rain shower.

He could vaguely make out the shape of a figure, lonely trailing around the road. He rolled his window down. "Do you need a ride?" His voice was silenced by the spattering of the rain but the boy turned his head and nodded in Tyler's direction. He seemed to say something, probably a thank you, but the sound was difficult to hear. The boy opened the door and sat down.

Tyler eyed him from the side of his eye. The boy probably had been walking for quite some time through the pouring rain, because his oversized clothes were permeated and sticking to his skinny frame. He was so scrawny it looked like he hadn't eaten for days – Tyler felt bad for him. But he didn't know him, and it was none of his business. The boy might have felt his staring because they eyes met for less than a second. Tyler had never seen someone that looked so...sad. There was no other way to describe the emptiness that held house in the hazel depths that were his eyes. He tore his eyes away and focused on the road, a task that was surprisingly hard because the rain was still pouring down.

The boy didn't talk. "Are you alright? You look like you haven't slept or eaten, or even washed yourself in days. You might be sick if you stay in those clothes." Again he eyed the boy up and down. His wet clothes were baggy and obviously not his own – maybe a boyfriend or something, he could basically live in those things – and his hair was pushed back to avoid getting into his eyes. His face was fallen in and dirty, and his eyes bleak and dead and his body – or at least what he could see of it – showed all his bones. Not that he could see it. His black and white striped sweater and black and white striped scarf protected his skin from the eyes. The boy nodded. "If you can I can buy you some food, maybe some place to sleep." The boy shook his head, although he was visibly interested. "Are you sure? I won't be a bother, and I could take you to wherever you want to be. What is your destination?" The boy flinched a little, the first physical reaction Tyler had seen. "As far from here as possible," he said, his voice soft and raspy from not using in a long time. Talking seemed to hurt his throat, so Tyler didn't ask anymore. He laid his hand on the boy's arm, trying to come over both trustworthy and comforting. "You need to eat and sleep. I can give you a ride to "as far away as possible" after that, but you're going to die at this rate and I'm sorry but my job is saving people, so don't you dare die on me." The boy looked him in the eyes – probably scanning for traces of lies – and Tyler once again was mesmerized by how much emotion was stored behind the surface of that boy.

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