new start

632 16 23

The big navy blue gates open and I'm not ready for what's to come the ride here was quiet and very uncomfortable. I get shoved into the hospital where they hold scary crazy patients that try to get away.

What the hell were you thinking you stupid stup-

"Home sweet home." the police ever so rudely snickers.. I stick my tongue out cuz I'm a 4 year old.

Is this my room? Before I can get a step in someone interrupts me "breakfast starts 8 in the morning, lunch 12 and dinner is 6. Get comfy you'll be here till morning."

I nod and rub my eyes. Fuck I should have brought snacks. I'm a hungry hungry hippo.

I sit on my bed and watch outside from my scary bared windows. Hhhhhhhh this is gonna be so fun.

Weeks pass by and no one visits me. I cry every night. I walk the halls and I look at the visitors hall every Monday. Nobody.

I get my colouring book out and start to colour because once again I'm a 4 year old.

"Emma you're free to go."

I look at them and begin to colour again, they sigh and lift me up.

"Get your shit and get out."

I start collecting my stuff and just as I'm about to leave. I get right in the polices face and fart with my tongue and walk out.

I have no where to go. And where am I?

I call a cab and wait.. 12 minutes later it arrives and I send him to a apartment so I can stay there.

I'm mad at josh and Tyler so ill walk around the town and hopefully run into them.

Buuttt no I didnt. Until I saw something... I never wanted to see.

I couldnt believe my eyes.



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