#1 i miss you

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It was a Saturday morning around 9:30 AM. You woke up to your phone buzzing. you groaned and rolled over to pick it up off the bedside table and unplug it to see what it was. it was a text from your boyfriend harry. you started to smile as you read what he had written .

"good morning beautiful, are you up yet? i miss you :'("you  texted back. "Yes I am now. i miss you too"  he texted back "I'm sorry I woke you up I just really really miss you" you started to feel a little sad, since Harry was over visiting his family and you were visiting yours in the states. you missed each other a lot.

You texted back " I miss you more. only two more days tho 😁" you started to get up after you sent that text you went down to the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast, when you got another text from Harry "I know I can't wait to hold you in my arms and kiss you <3"  you smiled. you waited a little while before texting back. when you were done eating breakfast you texted back "well I can't wait to be in your arms again and see you face-to-face and kiss you too 😘"

you went back upstairs to your room. you put your phone back on the bedside then You went to your closet picked out an outfit before getting a towel and hoping in the shower. after you're done in the shower, you got dressed and picked your phone back up from the bedside table, there was another text from Harry " I love you but I got to go sadly. I'm going out shopping with Gemma and my mum. I hope you have an amazing day talk to you soon beautiful" you smiled and texted him back. " I love you to tell them I said hi and I hope you have an amazing day too handsome😘"  he sent one last text " I will see you in two days <3<3" The rest your day was spent with your family and friends and you had a pretty good day.                                                                                             

OK this was my first imagine it was probably pretty crabby but I hope you enjoyed it anyway i'll probably do picture imagines to if I can't come up with something I don't know when Might update but maybe soon but for now thanks for reading don't forget to vote 🙂

Updated on 1/8/2017 edited on 10/6/2017 word count 404 writer Zalla

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