#6 popular guy and the nerd (part 1)

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(Y/n) Point of view)

"Get up (y/n)"my mother said pulling the covers off me. I groaned and got up as she walked out of the room. I hate Mondays. just means I have to get up go to school get piles of homework and then come home and not even be able to do anything because I have go to work right after school. not very fun but on the bright side least I get to see my boyfriend Matt

we been together for a few months, but I think he's cheating on me. we barely hang out and then when he talks to me it's really awkward. I don't know why but I am about 99% sure he cheating on me. The thing is I don't have proof yet. I wish he would just break up with me already, save me the trouble of running into him and whoever he's cheating on me with.

I got up got a shower got dressed and grab my phone and my backpack then went downstairs to get breakfast. I told my mom goodbye and then walked out the door and to the bus stop. high school isn't very fun specially when you're me the nerd.

I knew when Matt asked me out that it was a trick but hey I was optimistic I thought maybe I could actually have a normal life. have a boyfriend you know stuff like that, but whatever I was wrong. I stood there with my headphones in and (your favorite song) started playing as the bus pulled up. I got in and took a seat at the back. I listened to my music all the way to school while looking out the window Day dreaming a little bit.

when i finally arrived at school everybody Got off. i was the second to last person to get off the bus. As I walked in the school I ran in to my crush harry Edward styles also known as most popular kid in school.

I have a huge crush on him but he would never fall for me he is to popular and would never fall for a nerd like me.

"I'm so so sorry I didn't see where I was going" he said... wait why is he apologizing? it's my fault"no no it was my fault" I said as I was picking my books up. once I picked them up, I stood up right in front of him. I looked in his beautiful emerald eyes, gosh how much I love those eyes. we stared into each others eyes for what felt like eternity but it was only like five seconds, when one of his friends came up behind him. Zayn Malik also known as The best soccer (football) player ever he's the school's pride and joy

yet he's horrible. he likes to pick on me because I'm a nerd and he's a jerk. I can't get why harry's friends with him, I mean The few times that I've talk to him he seems really sweet and outgoing totally the opposite of Zayn. "What are you doing nerd better you watch where you're going next time now get out of here"Zayn nearly yelled

It snapped me out of my thoughts and I soon as I heard what he said I went on my way to class. right now I'm going to get extra picked on today I walked to class first is math woohoo! well at least for me cause math is my favorite subject.

(After class).

I walk to my locker to go get my history books when Matt came up behind me hey "we need to talk after school" he said "I can't Matt I have work after school"I said "oh well I guess I just tell you now then I found someone else so we're done"he said and walked away. wow that was... wow that's my only words for that are 'Took him long enough'

I know you probably expect me to cry right? well I kind of expected it, either that or to catch him cheating on me. so one less thing to deal with. kind of sad. I really did actually expected it. I never really had feelings for him anyway. I just I guess I just kind of wanted to be normal for a little bit. I put my math books in my locker and got my history books out and walked to class. this day is going to really suck but whatever I guess just hold on right (a/n:see what I did there😂 sorry I had to do that it's one of my favorite songs anyway).

(time skip till after school)

as I walked out of the school building to try to catch the bus, which I completely missed by the way. I was thinking about Matt and how he was a jerk, not even saying sorry and just walking away. but who cares anyway. so now I have to walk home fun (note the sarcasm) as I was walking with my headphones in listening to my music trying to forget about everything and thinking that nothing else could go wrong, but right when then started to rain really great just great. what's the worst that could possibly happen now. boyfriend broke up with me, I got extra homework and I haven't even made it home and I still have to go to work and now it's raining Life is amazing.

As I was running home so I could change my uniform and Quick go to work a black Range Rover pulled up beside me. The window rolled down and I tried to get a good look who was in the car. it was harry. what does he want is he going to pick on me to like Zayn.

"Hey (y/n) need a ride" how does he know my name. how does the popular guy of school know my name. how does my crush know my name. we barely have spoken "sure"I said I walked over to the passenger side door and got in he started driving in the direction of my house.... wait how does he know where I live?

"how do you know where I live" I asked "i live across the street" he said... wait what how did I never noticed that my crush lived across the street from me? The rest of the car ride was was silent. what was I supposed to say 'cool never noticed you lived across the street from me and I've had a crush on you for years, you just never noticed either' yeah I'm really going to say that I would embarrass myself.

when we pulled into my driveway and I was about to get out. I was stopped when he said "wait can I ask you something" "sure" I said "do you want to go out sometime"wait... WHAT did he say what I think he just said? He wants to go out with me the nerd that his best friend picks on "sure I would love to"I said "OK how about this weekend"he said "OK that should be fine what time"I asked "here I'll give you my number and I'll text you" he said as

he handed me a piece of paper with his number on it, I quickly put it in my phone and then hand him my number then I said goodbye and got out of the car and into my house. as I close the door I got a text message from Harry "how about Saturday and i'll pick you up""OK sounds good" I texted back. I started freaking out. "oh my gosh I'm going on a date with my crush,I'm going on a date with the popular harry styles can't believe it" I squealed I was lucky my mom wasn't home. I ran into my room put my backpack on my bed and went to go put on my uniform for work.

oh my gosh I'm going on a date with Harry styles the most popular kid in school well next to Zayn. I kept thinking over and over as I walked out the door and walk to work. I'm going on a date with Harry styles.


Part two maybe maybe not but let me know if you like this part and would like The other part the date hope you enjoyed it. comment and vote if you would like the next part I was debating whether not to update again and I really want to do and I asked Hazzycurlygirl if she had any ideas and she came up with a high school love story it started out like that but it kind of turned into A popular guy falling for a nerd and the nerd having a crush on him I know cliché and probably totally over done but when I was writing it kind of turned into that i'm sorry if it's cheesy I just that's what my brain was thinking of and yeah that's what I came up with anyway please give me some feedback I need to know if you guys want The other part and if you like it or not if you don't I get it if you don't like it it's horrible I know my writing is horrible but I still need to know if I should stop or not or if you guys like it and I can't do that if you don't comment so please comment.love you all. 🙂

Updated on 2/4/2017 edited on 10/6/2017 word count 1612 writer Zalla

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