#46 puppy

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       (Harry's point of view)

It's mine and Y/n's Second wedding anniversary and we have been talking about maybe having kids but we are both unsure if we are ready so today I set everything up in our living room and I have something for her that I think she is absolutely going to flip over. Y/n Will be home in an hour I quickly get ready and make sure everything is set up properly and soon my beautiful and tired wife walks through the door. "Hello darling how was work" I say she stands there with her mouth wide open looking at the living room "oh my god harry how....when...Woah" she says with a big smile on her face. I chuckle and walk over to her "happy anniversary kitten" I say she smiles and wraps her arms around my neck and gives me kiss on the lips.

We pull away and I lead her into the living room.  I sit her on in the middle of the room on a bunch of pillows then walk into the kitchen and grab the food and then walk back to her.  I see her looking all around the room admiring the lights and handles set up around the room. Chuckle and sit beside her. "This all looks so amazing HarBear" she says with a smile after we get done eating. I give her a kiss on the cheek and then pull her close she giggles and cuddles close to me. "Anything for my Beautiful and amazing wife" I say and then suddenly I stand up remembering the gift that I have for her.

"I'll be right back my dear stay here" I say and then rush off to the guest room. I receive the gift and then go back and sit next to her. She looks at me confused "I thought we said no gifts this year" she says I chuckle "I know I know but I saw this and I just couldn't resist" I say smirking she raises her eyebrow at me as I hand her the gift excepts it anyway. she opens her gift and lets out a squeal as cute little puppy jumps out of the box. I laugh as I look at her shocked face "her name is Brooklyn" I say still laughing a little. "OMG Harry no way!!" She squeals as she takes the cute little puppy into her arms. "I thought since we are both still unsure on the whole kid thing that maybe a puppy would be good practice" I say looking down and rubbing the back my neck. she giggles a little and kisses my cheek "that's a great idea harry" she says. I look up at her and smile. She leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips and I pull her close. "I love you soooo much Mrs.Styles" I say pulling away from her lips she smiles "I love you sooooo much too Mr. styles" she says giggling and then cuddling back into my chest with Brooklyn still in her arms. I smile and me and her cuddle like that for the rest of the night while watching some random movies and playing with Brooklyn every now and then.


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Love you all ♥️

Updated on 1/12/18 word count 560 writer Zalla

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