#26 Your parents don't like him

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                 (Y/n's Point of view)

I never liked my parents and I never got along with my parents they've always kind of forgotten about me left me in the background while they paid more attention to my sister also known as the golden child of the family. when I met Harry nothing really changed other then I began sneaking out of the house because my parents didn't like him for some reason or they just didn't like the fact that I was happy for once in my life.

surprisingly I've never been caught not even once but soon I won't have worry anymore you see I'm 17 right now and tomorrow I'm going to be 18 and once the clock strikes midnight and I'm officially 18 I'm moving out and moving in with Harry we've had this planned ever since our three-year anniversary to be honest I don't think my parents are even going to notice that I'm gone considering they hardly notice that I'm here and sometimes I'll get up and they'll say something nasty to me like 'I can't wait until you're 18 and out of this house you're a disgrace to this family' boy do I love hearing that in the morning really wakes you up.

It was around 11:57 PM when I heard knocking at my balcony door I knew it had to be harry considering he texted me A little while ago. I quickly got off my bed and went over to the door opening it and letting him inside

"Hey kitten only a few more minutes before we leave and never come back only a few more minutes before I have you all to myself and I won't have to sneak you out anymore or sneaky you back in or worry about your parents catching us i'm so excited"he said wrapping his arms around me and kissing my lips oh God I love his lips so much I can't wait to wake up to those lips every morning and cuddle into his arms every night "I know me to I love you so much harry" I said giving him another kiss "I love you more kitten"he said

12:00 am I am finally 18 and free from my parents they can't tell me what to do anymore "happy birthday kitten"Harry said giving me a long passionate kiss on the lips as we pulled apart my bedroom door burst open and my parents stood there with very angry looks on their faces.

"Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n what do you think you're doing and what is he doing here he's not allowed in this house"my parents said nearly yelling at me

"he's here to take me away from you because I'm 18 now and you can't boss me around you can't tell me who I can and can't date and who can and can't be in this house because I don't live here anymore so goodbye have a nice life I know I will because I will finally be happy"I said grabbing my bags and walking past their shocked expression's . they didn't say anything or protest as I pulled harry behind me walking out the door and getting in Harry's car and driving away.


OK so I wasn't planning on updating this soon but this is one of the drafts that has been sitting there for a while and I just finished writing it because all of a sudden I got a burst of like I need to write and I got the ideas and stuff like that so it seems like my writers block has kind of cleared up a little bit and you guys definitely helped me by leaving suggestions and ideas in the comments it really really helped so thank you so much for that I will do the request from Kiwi_bribri   hopefully I'm going to try to update some of the other books to hopefully so you're probably going to get quite a few updates today hopefully if I have time and if everything works out and I don't have any issues but I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine there should be at least two more coming your way today if not more but yeah don't forget to vote and comment. love you all.❤️😊

Updated on 5/19/2017 word count 756 writer Zalla

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