#23 just a movie or is it real

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              (Y/n Point of view)

I was walking down the hall on my way to my next class when all of the sudden I bumped into Jack dropping my books and falling on my butt. why does this always happen to me I thought why do I have to be so clumsy.

"I'm sorry Are you OK"Jack asked "no I'm sorry I should've been watching where I was going"I said quickly trying to gather my books Jack started to help me once my books were picked up and back in my hands. I stood up my eyes met with Jack's I could look at those eyes all day and before you ask yes I had a crush on him who doesn't I mean he's just so dreamy but he would never go out with a girl like me he would never go out with the nerd when he has cheerleaders literally drooling over him .

"Cut" I heard the Director yell meaning the scene was over.

I quickly looked down at the floor all the sudden everything became so awkward now that the scene was over because the other scenes that would came next are going to be a little more awkward but that's what I signed up for. I signed a contract that says I have to finish the movie even if things get awkward I mean I'm a pretty good actress but I can't be that good all the time it gets tiring especially when your costar is harry styles.

(Time skip till After the movie was done being filmed for the day)

we were finally done filming all the awkward scenes at least for today. I was relieved I went back to my dressing room closing the door and taking a deep breath. I was glad the day was over and I could finally go home. I  quickly change my clothes and then sat on the couch in my dressing room Messing with my phone.

But soon I Heard a knock on the door "come in"I said thinking it was the director coming to tell me stuff about the scenes tomorrow or about the scenes that we did today.

But when the door opened to my surprise it definitely was not the director no it was the one and only harry styles also known as my Costar and crush in real life and on the screen "hey"he said coming in to the room "hi"I said looking up at him he was wearing his normal black skinny jeans with a white T-shirt and brown boots his hair was a little messy but he looked absolutely fabulous "so I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out with me to dinner tonight"he said nervous putting his hands in his front pockets and looking at the ground. I stared at him for a minute did he really just say what I think he just said he wants me to go out with him I mean I really really really like him and I have always wanted to go out with him.

"Sure I would love to go out with you"I said giving him a smile "really"he said looking up at me in disbelief "really I would love to go on a date with you just let me get changed first"I said "OK I'll be outside when you're ready"he said walking out the door and closing it after. I took a deep breath and then get off the couch and changed my clothes. I remembered that I still had a nice dress I had left in my dressing room a few days ago. I quickly put it on with a pair of Nice flats, I put on natural make up and I grabbed my purse and went out the door to meet Harry for our date.

(Time skip to at the restaurant)

we had just ordered and we were talking about a random things, harry telling stupid jokes that I actually found funny which is the funny thing considering everybody says he's not that funny but I think he is. after a while Our food came and we ate.

when we were done we talked for a few more minutes before we got up and left Harry drove me home since I had one of my security guards drop me off at the set. he then walked me to my front door when I was about to open the door I turned around to say good night to him when my lips met his. The kiss was sweet and slow once we pull a part I found myself wanting his lips on mine again they were just so soft "I've wanted to do that for ever" he said looking deep in my eyes, I smiled and giggled a little. 

"I really really like you and tonight was really fun we should definitely definitely do it again"he said "I really like you too and I had an amazing time I think we really should go out again but for now it's getting late and we both have to get up early for filming so I will see you tomorrow Harry I had an amazing time can't wait to do it again"I said opening my front door "see you tomorrow Y/n can't wait to do it again either good night love"he said before I walked all the way into my house he leaned in again and gave my lips another sweet kiss and then walked back to his car I shut my door and lead my back against it.

did that really just happen did harry styles My costar and long time crush just kiss me after taking me on a date thought to myself as I walked up to my bedroom changing into my PJs and going to sleep.

little did I know that after our second date he would ask me to be his girlfriend and then three years after that he would ask me to marry him and then One year after that us  getting married and then another two years after us getting married we would have two baby girls on the way.


OK I know that absolutely absolutely sucked but it's like I did my best I'm really really sorry that it was really really late it was supposed to be up a lot earlier than this but I had a lot of school to do and stuff was stressing me out and so totally Got distracted and forgot about this and I'm so sorry but this was requested by andrealawlizzle this was probably not what you had in mind but it's kind of just what my brain came up with I literally rewrote  this like three times because I didn't quite know what to do with it and I got stuck quite a bit but I hope you like it anyway so sorry that it took me so long but yeah hope you kind of enjoyed it don't forget to comment and vote. love you all.😊❤️

updated on 4/26/2017 word count 1197 writer Zalla

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