#9 sick

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( Y/N Point of View )

I was out having fun with my friends. my cousin had come into town and was leaving tomorrow. So we were having as much fun as we could before she had to leave. we went shopping. we went out to lunch. we got our nails and toes done and when we got home we had a movie night and we all fell sleep in the living room.

Harry said he was going to stay out with the boys since they haven't had much time together lately and he wanted to give me girl time with my cousin before she left because she doesn't come around often. in my book he was the best fiancé ever.  

(Time skip until tomorrow morning )   

It was about 10 AM I had to get up and drive my cousin to the airport Harry said he was going to spend probably the morning with the boys and then come home 12:30 pm just so he could give me extra time in the morning with my friends before our wedding when I probably won't be spending as much time with them.

our wedding is in two months and we're going to be on our honeymoon for a month it was so nice to spend some time with my friends after an emotional farewell to my cousin who I won't see in until my wedding me and my friends went out to breakfast I didn't eat much I didn't feel very well but didn't pay much attention to it I didn't think anything of it really I was probably just getting a cold.

after having breakfast I drop them all at their houses and then went back to mine it was around 12 o'clock Harry should be home soon then I can finally cuddle with my harbear I thought to myself as I walked through the door I went up to our bedroom I got a change of clothes a towel and went to the shower.

after I showered I change my clothes and laid in bed for a while waiting for Harry to come home I really missed him it was fun hanging out with my friends but I really miss my fiancé that and I didn't feel very well I started sneezing a lot and I have a stuffy nose and a cough I don't feel very well right now it seemed almost instantly when I lay down I fell asleep I didn't know how tired I was I guess.

What seems like only 10 minutes I woke up to my phone buzzing it was a text from harry "sorry I'm going to be home late I got called into a meeting and then I have to go to the studio unexpectedly I'm sorry"The text read I felt kind of disappointed especially since now That I'm not feeling very well I really want to cuddle with him.

I missed him a lot even if we were apart only for a day "it's ok just come home when you can I really miss you"I texted back I didn't want to tell him I didn't feel well I didn't want to make him feel worse than he already was plus lately his job has been really hard on him especially now since since the boys have been on a hiatus and Harrys been working on his solo music and Dunkirk it's been really hard and stressful on him I try to help but there's not much I can do if he's not really home but lately it seems to be slowing down he said it would a-month before the wedding so then we have time together he would just have a few meetings and studio stuff to finish up before the wedding so then he would able to take a month off.

"I miss you too kitten I'll try my best to make go as fast as I can"he texted "OK I love you Be careful don't stress yourself too much"I texted five minutes later I got another text from him "I love you to so so so much I will be home soon bye" after I read it I went downstairs it was around 3:30pm I was feeling a little better but not much after taking that nap I decided to make a small dinner early so I can go to bed early because I was still really tired after I ate I watched a couple movies in the living room I fell asleep watching a stupid movie on Netflix and woke up about an hour later still really tired so I went to bed Harry still wasn't home sadly.

I Hope he is OK and that he is not stressing himself out too much it was around 11:30pm I was laying in bed I couldn't fall sleep even though I was really tired I started to feel absolutely more horrible my stuffy nose is worse my coughing is much worse and I have a headache and my whole body is starting to hurt I really want Harry to come home and cuddle with me and make me feel better I don't know how long I was laying there after a while I fell asleep without Harry unfortunately. 

(Time skip until tomorrow morning)

(Harry's point of view)

I had just gotten home I had fell asleep at the studio I was up recording until 4 AM and I just got so tired that I fell sleep on one of the couches it was around 10:30am  when I got home I really want to cuddle with Y/N right now after having a rough Night and day at the studio and being away from her for almost 2 days I miss her a whole lot as I walk through the door I hear coughing and sneezing I follow the sound all the way to mine and Y/N's bedroom to find her laying in bed surrounded by tissues with a red nose and a sad look on her face like she was about to cry.

I walked into the room and as soon as she saw me tears started to come down her cheeks "aww kitten you should've told me you were not feeling well I would have come home sooner"I said as I walked over to her she sniffled then replied "I didn't want you to worry about me especially since you have enough on your plate with the  movie and your album and the wedding I didn't want you to be worrying too much about me"I look to her for a few seconds then said "Y/N I worry about you because I love you and my album and the movie doesn't matter if you're sick I want to take care of you you're my fiancée and soon you'll be my wife so when you need me when you're sick or for anything at all I'm here for you you shouldn't hesitate to tell me that you're sick or you need something because I would do anything for you because I love you so so much"she smiled at me

"I'm sorry for not telling I was sick I love you to and I missed you so much"she said I hugged her and kissed her on the four head she was quite warm "it's ok but next time tell me OK so I can come home and take care of you"I said as I released her from my hug so I can get up and get her some medicine I was about to stand up when she grabbed my hand "don't go please cuddle with me I missed you and your cuddles and I have a headache and all I want to do is just lay in bed with you I missed you so so much"she said and gave me a sad puppy dog eyes how could I say no to that face

"ok"I said I took my shoes off my shirt and my pants till I was down to my boxers and got in bed next to her and cuddled with her until she fell asleep then I got up and got her some medication before she got up she woke up as I was walking back into the room I saw that she was awake I brought her some soup and medication and a cup of orange juice I walked over to her and handed her the tray she took it with the soft somewhat sad smile after she took her medication and ate the soup we cuddled for the rest of the day watching stupid movies on Netflix.

I can't wait to spend the rest my life with this woman even when she's sick she's the most adorable and funny person I've ever met I love her so much after watching stupid movies we went to bed with my arms wrapped around her and her head on my chest I love this woman and I will always love this woman. 


Hey so I updated  again yay I had this idea for a while so I decided to write it today because I am actually sick and I really wanted update so hope you enjoyed it but I'm going to do something somewhat new and I'm gonna be doing this for the rest of this book I need at least three or more comments for me to be able to update again so if you want to update you need to comment but other than that I hope you enjoyed it and yeah don't forget to comment and vote love you all. P.s thank you so much for 200 reads it means a lot. P.s.s I feel like absolute crap I have a absolute horrible cold yay me😞

Updated on 2/24/2017 Word count 1655 writer Zalla

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