#30 dangerous

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(Warning there is adult language and sad and maybe a little scary so if you don't like that I would recommend preparing yourself or skipping this imagine all together)  

               (Y/n's Point of view)

Everyone always said Be careful and stay away from any vampires they're dangerous and want nothing more than to suck you dry.

I listened to that but little did I know that a dangerous vampire is going to become my world that I wouldn't be able to live without him that I would become his mate the one he was destined to be with forever the one he's been looking for for years, yeah little did I know.

Right now I'm walking alone it's late at night and I know what you're thinking you must be fucking crazy why are you out at night alone?! because I like being alone I like walking in the dark and the cold breeze clears my head of things and it's not like I don't know how to fight And I do have a pen so I can stab someone if need be.

I continue walking for a while playing all of today's events over and over in my head playing over the fight I had with my parents running to my room and then I snuck out and hung out with my best friend for a while. now here I am almost halfway home.

I walked slowly not really wanting to go home if I really had a home to go to.  you see my parents never really like to me they always thought I was A disgrace so I won't be surprised if I get there and they've changed the locks and thrown my stuff out on the side of the road my parents have never liked me or loved me for that matter, they've always said they always love my sister more than me she was always doing better than me in school had The most perfect boyfriend's the most perfect looks the most perfect everything she was always miss perfect and I was always miss disappointment.

I'm not jealous of my sister because in reality her life isn't perfect and all of the boyfriend she's ever had have always cheated on her or used her. another thing you need to know my parents are rich and me and my sister are used to go to private School before my parents decided I wasn't good enough anymore and moved me to a public school while my sister stayed in the private school I never liked the private school but I had friends and I miss them a lot but I'm sure they're fine without me.

I finally got home to see that I was right my stuff was on the curb in black trash bags I didn't bother going up to the door I know I wouldn't be able to go in Side I walked over to my stuff there it was a note.

Dear y/n,

You're horrible excuse for a daughter, but
You're not really our daughter we adopted you out of pity but now We no longer want you living with us and we want nothing to do with you we provided you with enough money to move and live on your own but that's all you'll ever get you're 18 so your old enough to get a job so you don't need us and we don't want you to ever come back you worthless piece of fucking garbage.
sincerely Mr. and Mrs.y/l/n

Wow that's harsh I guess I kind of expected it kind of know I was adopted considering I never looked like them and they never treated me right anyway, now you must expect me to be hurt to be crying but I'm not I've been preparing for this for a while they've already given me more than I expected never knew they wanted me out so bad that they actually give me money but whatever. I picked up the two bags that were full of my clothes and put the envelope that was full of money in my purse and then started walking back to my best friends house I was going to stay with her for a little bit before I found an apartment and a job.

As I was walking though I felt like someone was following me but when I turned back there was nothing there suddenly it started to rain slowly nothing too bad nothing I'm not used to I liked walking in the rain. weird I know.

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