#13 cheater part 2 (requested)

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( Harry's Point of view )

As I got Home from a "meeting" exhausted for some strange reason the house is quiet no the sound can be heard except for me opening and closing the door and walking inside where is Y/N She should be home from work by now as I walked into the house further I called her name see if maybe she was just quietly somewhere in the house I search the whole house before I walked into the kitchen I want to in and the first thing I saw was a white piece of paper with Y/N's hand writing on it I started reading it and my heart fell.

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. I'm sorry you had to turn to Kendall even though I thought I gave you everything and I did but you threw it all away. I hope you have a happy life without me now. I hope one day that maybe you'll wake up and you see that she's only playing you and when that day comes I won't be there you've put me through too much pain so this is my last goodbye this is my last I love you. I'm sure I will always love you you will always have a part of my heart but every time I think of you I remember the pain the pain of smelling her perfume on you the pain of walking in to the house one day and seeing you with her in our bed. I wish you would've told me or at least left me saved me some pain saved me from having to walk in on you. I will always love you but I'm doing this for me. I don't know why I stayed so long I should've just left when I first saw you two together but I guess part of me hoped i'd get the man i fall in love with back, shame on me. I feel stupid but I'm walking a way now and I'm never coming back goodbye harry I will always love you always and forever.
Yours truly Y/N.  

What have I done I mean yes I did cheat on her but how could I. what did I do. I just I don't know what to do she's gone and it's all my fault. the best thing that has ever happened to me is gone walked out the door and in pain because of me. now you may be wondering don't I have Kendall. I don't when I went to go see her I caught her cheating on me and realized I don't love her as much as I loved Y/N and so me and Kendall fought she told me she was only using me and in that moment I saw all of it. so I got home or lease tried to get home as fast as I could I knew I had to tell Y/N about it, maybe save our relationship even a little but I guess I was too late what do I do now? I have nothing nothing but an empty house and heart I'm so selfish and stupid why did I have to fall for Kendall's game.

=======fast forward to 6 months later Y/N's Point of view======

I was in the car on my way back to my new apartment after having an appointment to check on the babies that's right you heard me right babies. I'm having twins a boy and a girl. I'm so happy A lot happier than I've been it's been hard since I left having to go through my pregnancy alone and now even harder finding out that I'm having twins but we're getting through it. I'm not all alone I have my family. I have my aunt who's been helping me out a lot and staying with me sometimes when my hormones get really bad and I need a shoulder to cry on. I was at a stop light and the light just turned green as I was slowly pulling out and going forward A car going at full speed came my way I tried going the other direction but I was stuck staring at the car I couldn't do anything I was too scared then the car hit me then everything went black.


Oh no!! what happens please don't be mad at me I came up with the idea to have more than two parts but don't worry part three should be up tomorrow hope you enjoy part two I wasn't going to do a part three but I decided I will plus I kind a want to continue the storyline a little longer so that's why there's going to be a part three and maybe a part four 😯 who knows we'll see hope you enjoy part two I should be updating my other book terrible times right after this so look out for that anyways don't forget to vote and comment if you have any requests for a imagine you would like to see leave it in the comments.love you all 🙂

Updated on 3/2/2017 edited on 4/19/2017 Word count 860 writer Zalla

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