#12 cheater part 1 (requested)

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Warning this imagine contains adult language if you don't like that I recommend you don't read this.                   

( Y/N's Point of view )

I walked through the door after going to a doctors appointment where I found out something very big something life-changing I'm pregnant with Harry's baby.

Now I know what you're thinking you're thinking well shouldn't you be jumping for joy shouldn't you be happy I kind of am at least part of me is I've always wanted to have kids with Harry even though me and him have only been together for two years we've talked about that sort of thing.

but lately he's been distant if he's not at the studio he's out with the boys or at least that's what he says but A part of me doesn't believe him. I trust him but I've called the boys once and they told me he wasn't there when he said he was going to be but they said that he was in a meeting and I choose to put it off for a while not comforting him about it cause it could only make worse. he kind of stop coming home at all sometimes. I wish he would just tell me and get it over with I know it will hurt but it be better than sitting here wondering if he's really out with her. the person he's always on he's always walking out of the room to talk to on the phone, the person he's lying to me about being with.

I know you may say don't you trust him. I used to but he's changed he stop doing what he usually did. he stopped looking me in the eyes whenever we'd talk he barely says I love you anymore we never kiss as much as we used to and we barely talk now. I know what you are thinking how did I get pregnant right and if you are then it can't be his right you'd think I'd be the one  cheating because we certainly haven't done anything since he's been like this. well you're wrong and unlike Harry I wouldn't do that it was sort of a mistake I guess.

we both had gone to a party and had maybe a little too much alcohol but that was only the beginning or somewhat of the beginning that's before everything got worse that was the last time we ever did anything. the last time he ever truly meant it when he said he loved me. now they're just empty words he says as if it's nothing. as if he doesn't notice every time he says them my heart breaks.  but He doesn't look me in the eyes like he used to he doesn't kiss me with love like he used to it kills me every day I mean I understand if he walked away I understand if he fell out of love with me but the thing is I know who she is and I see the way he looks at her it's kind of the way he used to look at me with love the way for so long I've been dying for him to look at me like that again but he's fooled.

one day he'll wake up and know that but I won't be there I'm walking away but you're also wondering who is he with.

who is this girl he's supposedly falling in so love with. the girl who's got him fooled. it's none other then Kendall Jenner herself that bitch she's always been trying to get Harry back. I guess she got what she wanted. I know what you're thinking why aren't I fighting harder the thing is she's only using him for more fame and money and if he doesn't see that he's the fucking idiot.  he's the one who's stopped fighting not me. why should i fight for someone who's already let me go. but also as much as I want to fight I know I can't fight as hard as her and I also know that if he really thinks that he's in love with her I can't come between that even if it's on Illusion even if maybe when I walk away he'll see that it is.

you also maybe wondering if I still love him I do and that's why am leaving that's why I'm walking away I'm doing what's best for me and now my baby I'm walking away from more hurt then I've already experience. I know it's going to be fucking hard but I'm going to get through it. I have faith in myself so as I was thinking all of that stuff I was packing my clothes everything I decided to move back to where I'm from. I have enough money to get an apartment a nice one too I have enough money to support this baby. I don't need Harry that's another thing you might be wondering am I ever going to tell Harry and the answer is no because the bastard doesn't deserve it.

 he's a coward he should've told me instead of letting me find out by myself instead of putting me through all of this pain so no he's not going to know his baby because when the baby is born it's going to have my last name and if he tries to contact me in anyway I'm not answering another thing just in case you're wondering I have walked in on them. I walked in on Kendall and him fucking it was the worst thing in my entire life.

why I have stayed this long I don't know guess part of me hoped it wasn't real even if I saw it with my own eyes. part of me thought he would at least tell me part of me thought he would leave if he had found someone else save me at lease some pain but I was wrong. he's just a jackass who has absolutely no brain at all because if he did he would see right through Kendall he would see right through her game but I guess not. I got done packing my stuff and putting it in my car I wrote a letter to Harry and left it on the kitchen counter I took one last look at the apartment we used to share.

I smiled as I remembered all the happy memories before it all went to shit then I left. I walked out the door never to return. I got in my car and I drove off thinking about the letter I wrote to him thinking about the last words he'll probably ever hear from me

(what the letter said)

Dear Harry,

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. I'm sorry you had to turn to Kendall even though I thought I gave you everything and I did but you threw it all away. I hope you have a happy life without me now. I hope one day that maybe you'll wake up and you see that she's only playing you and when that day comes I won't be there you've put me through too much pain so this is my last goodbye this is my last I love you. I'm sure I will always love you you will always have a part of my heart but every time I think of you I remember the pain the pain of smelling her perfume on you the pain of walking in to the house one day and seeing you with her in our bed. I wish you would've told me or at least left me saved me some pain saved me from having to walk in on you. I will always love you but I'm doing this for me. I don't know why I stayed so long I should've just left when I first saw you two together but I guess part of me hoped i'd get the man i fall in love with back, shame on me. I feel stupid but I'm walking a way now and I'm never coming back goodbye harry I will always love you always and forever.    
                                      Yours truly Y/N. 


OK so this was requested by Risti_Styles  I hope I did a good job I don't know if this is really what you really wanted but this is what I came up with I hope you like it and there will be a part two I should be doing that in a couple of days hopefully.

As for the rest of you I hope you enjoyed it if you have any requests for an imagine or any ideas please leave them in the comments I will do my best to write them but for now hope you enjoyed this I should be updating my other book terrible times tomorrow maybe or maybe after I post this Who knows no promises please don't forget to comment and vote. Love you all.🙂

Updated on 3/1/2017 Word count 1459 writer Zalla

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