#34 high school (A/U) Part 1

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(A/N: In this imagine Harry is not famous and you both are 18 and in high school also there will be a little adult language)

(Y/n's Point of view)

I walked down the now empty halls of school on my way to my locker to put my books away and grab my Book bag ready to go home to my apartment that I share with my boyfriend of three years Harry.

once I got there I unlock my locker and got my Book bag and put the books I didn't need into my locker. when I was about to close my locker I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist I smiled for a second thinking it was my boyfriend harry but when I look down at the arms that were around me.

I didn't see the bracelet that I had made for Harry that he always has on I also didn't see the padlock and  anchor tattoo no instead I saw the arms of my ex-boyfriend Steven.

"Yo asshole you have five seconds to take your arms off of me before i kick you so hard in your privates that you will never produce offspring"I said angrily, me and Steven didn't end on good terms he cheated on me twice and then wouldn't leave me alone even after me and Harry started dating three years ago and he was never a good boyfriend he treated me like garbage

"Whoa whoa easy there babe"he said quickly taking his arms off me and backing away. I turned around and faced him "don't call me babe"I said looking at him oh if looks could kill he'd be dead where he stands right now.

"What do you want Steven you have five seconds to talk and explain why the hell you came up to me like that"I said sounding even angrier. I just wanted my Harry "I want you back babe I miss you so much I know you miss me too I still love you I know you do too I can give you so much more than your pathetic ass boyfriend Harry can"he said grabbing my hand. if it was even possible I got even angrier "get the fuck away from me"I said pulling my hand away from him he looked at me shocked for a second.

"I don't love you and I don't miss you you are the pathetic one I can't believe I ever dated you harry is so much better than you ass face"I said starting to walk away but he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me towards him and then turned me around and slammed my back against the lockers"you bitch you don't know what you're doing"he said getting up in my face I try to push them away but couldn't tears started to pick at my eyes but then I saw a familiar face with chestnut brown curls coming down the hallway with a very angry look.

I smiled and let out a sigh of relief "you're in trouble now"I said looking at Steven with a smirk "what do you mea-"he didn't get to finish his sentence because Harry came up and grabbed his shoulders pulling him away from me and slamming him into the other side of the wall with more lockers and then punching him in the face "you don't touch my girlfriend you stay away from her asshole or next time I won't let you off with just one punch"he said very loudly his face turning red. Steven looked scared shitless there was blood running down his face from his nose. he quickly got up and ran for the nearest exit.

Harry turned around to face me his face softening he quickly came over to me and looked me up and down "are you OK y/n did he hurt you"he asked worry evident in his voice "I'm fine you saved me thank you my sexy hero"I said with a smile wrapping my arms around his neck he smiled and chuckled at the nickname. he leans down and locked his lips with mine our lips moved In Sync with each other's my hands found their way into his hair, he let out a moan of pleasure against my lips as I pulled at the strands at the back of his neck.

We pulled away from each other a few minutes later looking into each other's eyes "let's continue this at home shall we"he said smiling at me and i nodded my head and grabbed my bag from my locker and then intertwined hands with Harry's. we walked out of school and to his Range Rover that was parked out front we both got in and Harry started the engine.

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