#14 cheater part 3 (requested)

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Warning this imagine contains mature language so if you don't like bad words don't read this 

(Harry's point of view)

I was sitting on the couch looking through channels life has been boring without her here for the past six months. I've tried everything calling her calling her parents her friends nothing all I know is is she has a new apartment somewhere. I don't know where. I know it's back where she came from in America but I don't know what location or address or City. I just hope she's ok as I was looking through channels when my phone ring with an unfamiliar number and I answered it thinking maybe she changed her number and is now just deciding to call me oh how I could be so wrong.

"is this Mr. Styles" "yes it is can I ask who's calling" I said the voice sounded like a woman couldn't be more than 30 Maybe "yes this Lucy from Lancaster General hospital i'm calling because Miss Y/L/N has been in a car accident and we can't get in contact with any of her family and you are on her emergency contact list" she said my heart dropped Y/N was in a car accident this is all my fault "is she ok" I asked Panic evident in my voice.

I got up and started pacing the room panicking please don't let her be dead please don't let her be in a coma "yes she's fine she has a minor concussion and a few broken bones but her and the babies should be fine but we need someone to come down here" Lucy said I stopped as soon as the word babies came out of her mouth she was pregnant?! and she didn't tell me?! I had to go see her so good thing I'm in America today "okay thank you I'll be down there soon do you know what room number" I said

"yes room 402" she said "thank you so much bye" I said hanging up and grabbing a few things and my keys and go out the door driving all the way to Lancaster which was about a two-hour Drive as soon as I got there I rushed through the doors looking for room 402 as soon as I reach the door I went in she was laying there asleep I presumed. she had bandage over her and a cast on her left arm.

she had a bump peeking out from under the covers there was definitely no mistaking that she was pregnant how could she not tell me. how could she just walk away this is my fault I know it is but still to not tell me that she was pregnant I may be a jackass but I still deserve to know about my own kids.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to her bed on the right side. I put a hand on her baby bump I guess they gave her some pretty strong medication because she didn't feel a thing when I put a hand on her bump she didn't stir but the babies did I could feel them moving around It was amazing to feel. why couldn't she have told me I would have been there we could have worked this stuff out. I could have been there for her but no I had to be selfish and push her away and now she's here in a hospital bed with a broken arm and a concussion and pregnant with twins my Twins.

(Y/N'S point of view)

I lay there in what I presume is a hospital room when suddenly I heard the door open and heavy steps. someones coming closer to me. I hear a chair move from beside me. I want to move I want to open my eyes and see the person but I can't my second thought is are my babies okay. I want to wake up, I want to open my eyes and see talk to the person that's next to me I feel a hand go to my baby bump I feel the Twins start to move they've never moved like this before, they're both moving at the same time fighting to be under the person's touch at the same time. who is this person next to me touching my bump.

I feel a sensation like I felt this touch before... it can't be how could he have known that I am here. fuck they called him didn't they. I thought I took him off my emergency contact list why couldn't they have called my parents or my sister why him why that selfish son-of-a-bicth. finally I was able to open my eyes I was met with his beautiful green one ones I've missed so much but I've learned to kind of hate the ones I fell in love with years ago.

I Look to Him for a minute and then looked away I took my right hand and pulled his hand off my bump "what are you doing here" I said sounding angry I was angry that he cheated on me angry that he didn't tell me angry that now of all times when I'm starting to get back up he comes back. whatever happens I'm not getting back together with him "the hospital called me told me you were a car accident why didn't you tell me you're pregnant" he said a hint of anger in his voice he has no right to be angry at me absolutely no right he has no right to be here either he choose who he wanted.

he choose Kendall over me. he chose to lie to me to betrayed me he made his decision. he choose now he has to live with the consequences "they weren't supposed to to call you. I didn't tell you because when I left that's when I found out that was the last straw for me. I left because you choose Kendall over me you decided she was better than me so I left to save me the pain to save my children the pain. you can leave now I'm just fine I'll have them call my mom or sister but you can leave and never come back" I said my voice full of anger but tears were running down my cheeks stupid pregnancy hormones.

"no I'm not leaving. we can work this out we can be a family just please don't push me away not like I did to you. I'm sorry okay I was wrong I was wrong to fall for her game to think that she was better than you she wasn't. you're better than her in every way I miss you please please give me a chance to prove it" he said getting down on his knees beside my bed tears running down his face as well "no we're not getting back together we can talk and we can have some contact but we're not getting back together and I'm not going to give the twins your last name when they're born because you don't deserve it. you betrayed me you pushed me away. you choose Kendall over me. I don't think I'll ever forgive you for that because I trusted you I gave you everything and you threw it away. I will let you be in your kids lives but not mine to me you are only going to be there father nothing else" I said looking down as the tears fall even faster down my cheeks.

"okay I respect your decision for me to not be in your life and for letting me when they do come to be in theirs but can you at least tell me what they are" he said slowly standing up again "a boy and a girl Skyler Elizabeth and Aidan James are their names" I said.  

(Fast forward 3 years)

Today is the twins 3rd birthday and before you ask me and Harry are not together but he is in the twins lives. I actually have a boyfriend his name is Adam he's very sweet and he loves the twins like their his own. we met when the Twins were two at the park then we started dating a little while after that. life is pretty great right now even Harry has  a girlfriend we both moved on but part of me still loves him and i'm sure part of him still loves me but who knows maybe in the future. I don't fully trust him even after everything that's happened I still don't fully trust him maybe one day in the way way far future we could try again but right now we are happy and content and that's all I can ask for.


Okay so I know that was probably a crappy ending but that's kind of what I came up with cuz I know that Risti_Styles  didn't want them to get back together so that's what I came up with sorry if you wanted something different but this is kind of what I wrote and what I was thinking so I hope you enjoyed it anyway I should be updating this book again on Tuesday or if I get a idea I'll update before then but who knows don't forget to comment and vote if you have any requests or ideas leave them in the comments love you all☺

Updated on 3/4/2017 edited on 4/19/2017 word count 1581 writer Zalla

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