#11 boat and fears

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Warning this part will have some bad language in it so if you are not comfortable with bad language don't read this part

(Harry's Point of view)

I decided to take my girlfriend on a cruise for a week for our one year anniversary. I thought it was going to be fun but as soon as we got on the boat I could feel her body tense up beside mine squeezing my hand just a little tighter then before. I didn't know what was wrong I thought she was just nervous about getting spotted so I didn't pay much attention to it, I mean she's always kind of nervous about getting spotted by paparazzi and she's also very insecure about her body even though I keep telling her she's absolutely beautiful.

we spent a few hours on the boat and I kept noticing strange things about how Y/n was acting, like whenever she would get close to the edge her face almost went completely pale and her breathing would speed up but every time I'd ask her what was wrong she wouldn't tell me she'd tell me she was fine but part of me didn't believe her. I didn't question her A lot because I didn't want to pressure her into telling me something she wasn't ready to. The rest of the day somewhat the same we walked around but Y/N Never let go of my hand or left my side really unless I walked over to the edge of the boat to look at the ocean and then I started putting things together maybe she was scared maybe she was scared of something but I just don't know what what is she scared of why is she scared.

my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a crash of Thunder and saw a flash of lightning following only a few seconds after that The waves started to go crazy I knew we had to get somewhere safe but when I looked behind me where Y/N Was standing only moments before she wasn't there anymore where did she go.

( Y/N's Point of view )

As soon as I heard the crash of Thunder my heart dropped I felt like the ship could come sinking down any minute and I can be eaten by sharks I didn't know what to do I never told Harry about my phobia of the ocean I didn't know how I thought he would laugh at me and say it was stupid like everyone else has so as soon as I heard the crash of thunder and saw lightning and the boat started to sway really fast I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself in and cried I sat in a ball in the corner scared out of my mind. I just wanted to leave it wasn't Harry's fault he didn't know I had a phobia of the ocean.

it's my fault for not telling him he was only trying to be romantic and I guess I have ruined our one year anniversary. as I sat in the corner in a ball crying and crying rocking slowly back-and-forth whimpers leaving my mouth as I sat there just wishing to be back at my house where it safe and things can't eat me. I didn't know how long I was sitting there until I heard a knock at the door.

( Harry's Point of view )

I finally put it all together she had phobia of the ocean it all makes sense now why she immediately tensed whatever she was near anything to do with the ocean and why she never wanted to be near the edge and when her grip on my hand tightened whenever she was close enough to it. why didn't I see it before I'm so stupid I wouldn't have brought her if I had known she had a phobia of the ocean. the storm was slowing down and slowly going away I figured I would probably find her in the bathroom since that was the closest to where she was standing. I put my head near the door to hear if she was really in there. I could hear her mothering to herself over and over it's not real it's just a dream and that she wanted to go home. I knocked on the door I got no response I knew she was in there but I needed to at least get her to open the door so I could wrap my arms around her and make her feel better and get her off the boat as soon as possible.

"baby Y/N it's me Harry you need to Open the door I know what's going on I know what's wrong but you need to open the door so I can help you, I can get you off the boat but you need to open the door you need to be strong and open the door for me my love OK"I tried speaking as softly as I could. 


( Y/N Point of view )

I heard a soft knock and then it was still quiet I didn't reply I was too scared and then I heard Harry's voice telling me to open the door. I tried getting up but I was to stricken with fear to move at all. I could still hear harry's voice it was soothing. finally I got up the courage enough to at least crawl to the door and unlock it as soon as I did harry came barging in immediately wrapping me in his arms stroking my hair and softly singing in my ear rocking me slowly back-and-forth. I slowly started to calm down until eventually I fell asleep in his arms because I had had such a big panic attack that it took to much out of me that when he did all that I fell sleep because he made me feel safe again. I could feel harry lifting me up in his arms but I couldn't open my eyes I was too tired after having a panic attack and being scared shitless.

I don't know how long I slept for but when I woke up I was in the backseat of our car, I could see Harry in the front seat driving to where I'm guessing is home I felt kind of bad ruining our anniversary but at the same time I was just happy to be far away from the ocean and all that lives in it. i laid there just watching Harry and his shoulders moved every time he would take a turn down a road eventually fell back asleep again. the next time I woke up I was in our bed with Harry's strong muscular tattooed arms wrapped tightly around me.

I was happy to have this man I was happy to fall asleep next to him at night I was happy after a not so very good day. I felt safe in Harry's arms. I knew that in the morning we were going to talk about it but right now everything is prefect. I was safe in his arms I was safe with him no matter what even after today. today just proved to me that I want to spend the rest of my life with this man. the man who would do anything for me the man when I was in total crisis and scared shitless was still there for me. I love this man more than anything in the world and I will always love this man.


Ok this was for mayarose12345678 I hope you liked it I did the best I could with what I had and what you gave me so I hope you enjoy it. I hope the rest of you enjoyed it too I did the best that I could comment if you like it or not and don't forget to vote also check out my other book terrible times I will be updating that soon as well but I guess I hope you enjoyed it leave any ideas you have or any requests you have for a imagine you would like to see leave it in the comments and I will do my best to do it to the best of my ability but I hope you enjoyed this imagine and please check out my other book terrible times.love you all.🙂

Updated on 2/28/2017 Word count 1416 writer Zalla

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