#16 nicknames and phone names

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You're nicknames for Harry.
Sexyman when you're trying to get him in a mood.
Sweetest man on the planet when you're trying him to do something for you
And When you're angry at him it's Harold or Harry Edward Styles.
Contact names you have for Harry.
The hottest man ever. Harry Put That one in once.
Future husband.
My clumsy idiot 😘.

Harry's nicknames for you.
Cutie pie.
Sweetheart or sweets when he's trying to get something from you
Sexy woman if he's trying to get you in the mood.
Princess or queen.
And When he gets mad at you he uses your full name.

Harrys contact names for you.
Future Mrs. styles💍.
Hottest woman on earth.
My adorable idiot😘.


Two updates in one day yay don't you get used to it I randomly thought of doing one of these and had all the names so I decided to post twice I know short and sweet but hope you like it comment and vote if you did. love you all

Updated on 3/7/2017 edited on 4/19/2017. Word count 189 writer Zalla

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