#44 it's over.. (sad)

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(Warning this is based on a kind of true story just with different characters and some details changed and this is also quite sad and has some adult language so if you don't like that I would skip this imagine. if you're having a good day and don't feel like being sad skip this imagine)

      (Third person point of view)

She sat in the corner of her room on her bed staring at her phone as it lay in the middle of her bed just waiting for a text from him. She looked over at at the clock on her bedside table "10:00 pm he should be getting out of the studio by now" she said to herself, she smiled squealing a small bit in happiness, but then it all faded after a while when she looked back at the clock and saw that it was 1 AM and she still has heard nothing from him "he forgot"she muttered to herself. sighing she got off her bed and walked to her closet grabbing a pair of sweatpants and an old T-shirt. she walked to the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror. she had put on a nice dress a little bit of make up and done her hair all nice and pretty earlier in the day when she expected him to remember and follow through on their plans of going out on a well deserved date night. she sighed again a tear or two rolling down her cheek as she looked away. "i'm used to it"she said wiping her tears as she changed her clothes washed off her make up put her hair down and then went to bed burying herself under the blankets A few more tears rolling down her cheeks "why do I have to keep hoping" was the last thing she said before her eyes closed and sleep took over her.

===in the morning===

She groaned as she heard her alarm go off. She Rolled around and grabbed her phone turning off her alarm and then rolling onto her back staring up at the ceiling with a sigh she looked at her phone "no new Messages" she muttered to herself. with a sigh she put her phone down on the bedside table and continued staring up at the ceiling.

After a while she gathered up enough strength and got out of bed and got ready for the day. She was standing in the living room when Her Phone buzzed and she quickly rushed over to it thinking it would be him. she sighed when it wasn't but then smiled a little when she saw it was her best friend 'he fuckin forgot again didn't he' the text read a tear ran down her cheek as she sighed and typed out a reply 'yeah 😔' she sent the text and then put the phone down and sat on the couch she looked down at her hands as tears began to fall.

"why the fuck am I still here, why the fuck am I still putting up with this" she muttered to herself as sobs began to break through her chest. the tears falling faster. Suddenly her phone rang but  she didn't wanna look she didn't want to be disappointed when she found out it wasn't him "but what if it's my best friend" she thought to her self "fuck it" she said as she picked up the phone and to her surprise and shock.... it was him... he was finally calling her.... he was finally going to talk to her after so long... she took a deep breath wiped her tears and then answer the phone

"hello harry" she said trying to sound happy and not like she wasn't just crying. "Hey Y/n" he said something in his voice told her something was wrong.... told her that he was going to say something that was going to break her heart... but she chose not to listen... "so..do you want to come over tonight" she asked breaking the silence between them. "I can't.  Y/n listen we can't be together anymore management says we can't we can stay friends but we can't be a couple anymore I'm sorry I tried to convince them but it's out of my control"he says with a sigh. Tears start falling down her cheeks

as whats left of her heart shatters into a million pieces...

Deep down she saw it coming..

deep down she didn't truly believe that he was going to stay.

deep down she knew that those promises that he made and that they made together were never going to hold or come true.

deep down she knew her problems would get too much and that no one really liked her.

deep down she knew management was going to do this (hell they never approved of their relationship in the first place) was going to convince Harry that she wasn't good enough.

deep down she knew what power they held over him.

deep down she knew that this was inevitable.

but yet she still had hope and maybe that's what truly fucked her over in the end is that her heart belonged to him but his never truly belonged to her and deep down she knew that.

she was still willing to look past everything.

She was willing to  look past always getting followed by paparazzi.

she was willing to look Past the fans that sent her hate. she was willing to look past him being gone on tour for long periods of time.

Because she loved him more than anything in the World. 

she wanted him happy more than anything she was willing to do anything and everything and to give up everything and anything just see him happy to see his breathtaking smile that she fell in love with.

Which is why the next words she said truly broke her heart.

"so you're telling me after everything it's just over after all the promises and kisses and cuddles and late-night talks it's just over. after all of the I love you's and after I opened up to you after I let you in. After I trusted you after everything it's just over, I guess I understand. I hope you find a girl that loves you just as much as I do if not more, I hope you find a girl that you settle down with for The rest of your life I hope you fall in love and I hope management supports you. I hope you have a very happy life. I wish you the best I truly do.  goodbye harry" were the last words she ever said to him.

She hung up the phone before he could say anything else and she just completely broke.

sobs roughly broke through her chest and the tears fell as fast as they could down her cheeks as she fell to her knees. Her Chest getting tighter and tighter by the minute as her heart shattered.

She was broken.

he broke the last piece she had left.

I am sorry I haven't updated in a little bit but i'm still trying to get into the swing of things again and I have been busy with my dog who just started treatment for his heartworm and some drama happened and I am dealing with stressful school stuff and trying to deal with Christmas drama with my family and all that but hopefully I will get back on track soon.

I am not going to go into full detail on what that story was based on because honestly it was painful enough to write that.  I know one person that will read this and hopefully understand the backstory.

I'm Sorry to anyone who read that and is now extremely sad

I hope you guys enjoyed hopefully next time update it will be a more cheery and happy imagine.

Don't forget to comment vote and share.

Love you all. ❤️🙂

Updated on 12/15/17 word count 1341 writer Zalla

Harry Styles imagines (completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя