#31 Wolf part 2

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(Sorry for the wait)

           (Y/n's Point to view)

I stood there in Harry's T-shirt and sweatpants in front of the bathroom door looking at the floor. I feel insecure about myself then again I always have "you shouldn't feel insecure my love you're beautiful" Harry said I looked up at him and he smiled. I smiled back at him it's hard not to feel insecure when your mate is Harry Edward styles also known as the hottest man alive well to me at least, I mean how can you resist those emerald green eyes and that smile that could light up a room and not to mention his laugh that is just so contagious and absolutely beautiful or his beautiful shoulder length curls that I could run my fingers through forever he's just so perfect 'how did I get so lucky'I thought "I should be asking myself that"Harry said "did I say that out loud" I asked

"no it's called mind luck sweetheart all wolves can do that with their mates"Harry said "oh yeah how could I forget that"I said Rolling my eyes playfully. he looked at me chuckled and then give me one of his Award winning smiles. he got up from the bed and walked over to me 'I love you'I said through mind lock 'I love you too' he replied he put both his hands on my cheeks tilting my head up to look into his eyes. he put his forehead against mine and then connected our lips in a sweet kiss 'gosh I love his lips so much already'I thought harry pulled away and giggled at me, I knew he heard me 'stop listening to my thoughts styles'I said through my luck. I pulled away from him and put my hands on my hips and gave him a disapproving look he just laughed at me 'but I'm having fun' he said through mind lock I playfully hit him on the arm "fine fine I'll stop"he said without using mind luck this time.

I smile but then Yawn as my eyes started growing a little heavy "aww is my baby tired?"he asked in a quiet voice baby voice, I just nodded slowly rubbing my eyes. he took my hand and lead me over to the bed he pulled the covers away laying me down and then pulling them over me. my wolf whimpered quietly when I didn't feel him slip into bed next to me 'i've always been a cuddler' 'it's OK I just have to change my clothes baby i'll cuddle you in a second' he said in mind lock I was too tired to be mad at him for using it again after he said he would stop. my eyes started to get even heavier when my head hit the soft pillow. I watched Harry take off his shirt and pants and slip on a pair of PJ pants not bothering to put a different shirt on. I got to see all of his tattoos and his six pack gosh he is absolutely beautiful and sexy.

In a matter of a minute he slipped into the bed and pulled me closer than I laid my head on his bare chest while he wrapped one arm around my waist with the other around my shoulders with his hand running through my hair, he kissed my forehead 'good night my love'I heard him say through mind lock 'good night I'm going to get you in the morning for that' I said before I drifted to sleep.


OK so I hope you enjoyed part two I wasn't going to do this but then HazzyKitten commented and asked me to do a part two so here it is I hope you enjoyed. Part two of dangerous should be coming on Tuesday hopefully if I don't have anything come up also I really like this imagine so maybe they'll be more parts but it depends if you guys would like me to do more parts of this imagine if you do please comment I hope you all enjoyed this one don't forget to vote comment and share.love you all❤️😊

And of course I wouldn't be finished if I didn't add a couple of harry GIFs he he ☺️😂

And of course I wouldn't be finished if I didn't add a couple of harry GIFs he he ☺️😂

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Updated on 6/11/2017 word count 730 writer Zalla

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Updated on 6/11/2017 word count 730 writer Zalla

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