6K!!! (SKIP)

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Well I think the title pretty much says it all but we just hit 6K reads and OMFG!! Thank you all so so so much I can't believe that this book has come this far and that you guys seem to be enjoying my crappy writing so much, I would be absolutely nowhere without you guys to all the people who have read my book or voted or commented I love you, thank you so so so much

I honestly didn't think that this book would come this far I honestly didn't think people were going to read it, when I first started I thought that I wasn't even going to get one read because my writing was and still isn't that good, but to see how far it's come now to see how much people seem to really really like it it's beyond amazing, it's blowing my mind how this has come so far and how people seem to be enjoying it, it makes me so happy that I can make something that people enjoy and maybe something that makes their day a little bit better when They are down because I know how it feels to be down and sad and to read a book of Imagens or anything at all and that picks me up so I hope that that this does that for some of you that's my goal, I want you guys to enjoy Reading this I want you guys to just have a happy place I try to make it a happy place and escape for anyone who is going through something hard and I hope in someway I have succeeded even a just little.

because I care about every single one of you even if I don't know you I love you ok and I'm always here.

I honestly don't know how to thank you guys enough for all you have done this book is not over not at all, I am working on some more Imagines so bear with me it might take a while I did just start school so if things are slow for a little bit I apologize if it's going to take me a little while to get used to writing and getting into my schedule again even though I really haven't been on one in the first place so it's Always been messed up but I am trying so please bear with me working on it, Also we hit 6K reads just five days before my birthday and that that is the best birthday present ever so thank you so so so so much

If any of you ever have a request or an idea please don't hesitate to ask I am always looking for new things to write just keep in mind I only do Y/n imagines I don't do personal ok

Updated on 9/10/2017 writer Zalla

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