Chapter 13 - Wrath

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Since we have breached 300 reads, here's an extra chapter ;).


My voice resounded silently, trying to reach the beautiful girl in front of me.

"Could you leave some for me, please?"

The small figure turned around with a confused look on her face.


"I gain abilities when I kill them, remember? So, please let me kill a few as well? Also, I feel bad if you do everything yourself..."

"Mmmm..., just wanna help, you know?"

"I know, I know, but you don't have to do that much, or I might grow weaker if you do all the work..."

Ilya pouted a bit, but gave in anyway:

"Fine, you kill the others".

She sounded rather dissatisfied, but I guess it's only normal to be this energetic when it's the first time in several hundreds of years to have a battle again.

I sighed, and to better her mood, I promised:

"After I gain an ability, you can have the rest. But don't completely burn them, I like my meat medium".

"Nnn~", she hummed, as a smile appeared on her face.

Even though it was a cute smile, it was rather disturbing to see a girl smile because she can kill some monsters.

The monsters we were facing now were called a [Mutated Two-headed Lizardman], and it seemed they had understand our conversation since they started to hiss very loudly.
I would as well if my opponent does only see me as walking meat.

They were killed in under a minute though.

I also gained the [Hide Status] skill, which let me alter my own Status when displayed to others.

This might come in handy in the future, I thought.

I also picked up the demon cores they had inside them, since I had been doing that since I entered this dungeon.

Ilya saw what I was doing:

"What're you doing?"

"Collect their cores".


"Don't know. It has just become a habit. Maybe because the cores are pretty?"

Ilya nodded but didn't reply, and as soon as I had picked up all the cores and some Lizardmeat, we departed.

We were walking through the waist-long grass that grew all over this level, when I noticed a small gap in between two rocks.

I walked over to investigate and noticed it was a small passageway.

"Wanna go in?", I asked Ilya.

She shrugged her shoulders:

"Where Toru goes, I go".

I smiled at her response:

"Let's go in,then"

It was impossible to see what was at the end of it, so I took the lead and walked inside, one of my self-smithed swords unsheathed.

It was a rare-grade magic sword, made of a luna rock I found in the Ogre Village, and because of the luna rock ingredient, it illuminated the dark space in front of me a bit.

I didn't know for how long we'd been walking, but it felt like an eternity.
There were many moments I just wanted to go back, but I kept going, convincing myself there'll be something cool at the end of the passageway.

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