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That Night

The two groups sat in Herschel's dining room in awkward silence.

Rick and Shane sat across from each other, glaring at each other as they angrily shoveled food into their mouths.

Natalie sat across from Lori, avoiding making eye contact with her at all costs.

Natalie ran her foot up and down Shane's calf, knowing it would drive him insane.

She loved knowing that she was wanted and in complete control of the situation.

Shane gripped his utensils tighter and tighter.

Natalie couldn't decide if he was pissed at Rick, upset about Lori, or horny for herself.

A smug smirk sat on her face as she ate her dinner.

Her question was answered when she felt Shane's hand slowly make its way up and down her thigh.

She licked her bottom lip, trying not to get angry or excited.

She slapped his hand under the table, making him quickly retract it.

She looked up into the dining room.

She could see Herschel glaring at Rick.

She wished that Herschel could understand that it wasn't Rick's fault or anyone else's for that matter. Andrea was the one to blame and should be the only one punished.

"Does anybody know how to play guitar?" Glenn asked, breaking the tense silence.

Natalie face palmed internally.

"Dale found a cool one," Glenn continued.

The room stayed silent.

"Somebody's got to know how to play," Glenn said, chuckling awkwardly.

"Otis did," Patricia said softly.

Shane dropped his head.

Natalie's foot stopped moving.

She looked down at her own plate of food, not knowing how to respond.

"Yes. And he was very good, too," Herschel said comfortingly.

The group fell back into awkward silence.

"Carol, I uh- I put some food aside for Dixon. You mind bringing it to him?" Natalie asked kindly.

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