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Natalie jogged after Rick, grabbing his arm before he went into the farmhouse.

"Ricky, you gotta be smart here. You tend to lead with your heart. I need you to lead with your head this time. Say whatever you have to say. We can't go back out there," Natalie said quietly, but firmly.

"You want me to play him?" Rick sighed, obviously not thrilled.

"Like a violin," Natalie said strongly, her green eyes piercing his blue ones.

"How do you suppose I do that?" Rick sighed.

"Pull the pregnancy card. He has a kind heart-- use it to your advantage," Natalie said quickly.

"I had no idea you were so conniving," Rick teased gently.

"In this world, if you're not a step ahead, you're seven steps behind," Natalie said seriously.

Rick sighed and nodded, walking into the farmhouse.

Natalie looked out on Herschel's land, her eyes scanning the entirety of the property.

Her eyes landed on Shane, leaning against a water pump, staring at the barn.

Natalie sighed softly.

She knew he was hurting and she knew that it was partly her fault.

She knew he was missing Nicky and she knew he was missing Lori and she knew that he was missing her.

She took a deep breath and started walking off the porch.

Lori walked in her path, cutting her off.

"Not now, Lori. Tell the little bastard its stepmother said hello," Natalie snapped, her eyes drifting to Lori's stomach for a quick moment.

Lori stood there with a shocked look on her face.

Natalie rolled her eyes and stormed past Lori, going back towards the barn.

"It's valiant of you, you know, watching the barn like this. The barn's secure, you don't have to protect us right now--" Natalie started as she walked into the field in front of the barn.

"I don't wanna talk right now," Shane snapped at her as she walked towards him.

"Me neither. I just came out here to think. Figured you might want company," Natalie sighed, sitting down on the ground next to where he was standing.

Shane sighed, accepting her presence.

They preserved the moment in silence, each deep in thought, trying to figure out how the hell they ended up like this.

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