Chapter 1

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Due to sentimentality, this chapter has gone through little to no editing. It's not a true representation of the quality of this book's writing, however, still does it's job at setting the scene.

A better version of this chap is available on AO3, though (wink wink).

Also, there's no longer short/short-ish chapters lol.

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Youngjae was getting tired of his friends. He just didn't like that they were so extra - all the time.

Okay, you could say it was a shitty reason because - as we all know - he was as extra as them all. But he was pretty sure he knew his limit. So this is why he stood at the end of a half empty hallway (it was early as fuck and he didn't know why on God's green earth he'd chosen the morning (of all time), but sue him). Looking for someone that he had never talked to.

It was a tedious tasks, taking into consideration that he'd communicated in some way or another with practically everyone that walked the dirty floors of the school, but then he spotted one person that he thought he had never tried talking to.

.........Wait! He didn't even know his name!

A small smirk decorated his lips as he walked over to the unknowing boy that was focused on whatever irrelevant stuff was in his locker. The smirk was replaced with a friendly smile when the other boy turned his attention to the brunette standing beside him.

"Do you need something?" The boy asked, his voice holding clear disinterest and a hint of harshness. Youngjae's eyes widened ever-so-slightly because it had been a while since someone treated him like anything other than a queen.

"I - um - re-realized that I haven't talked to you, like, ever so I was wondering if we could - I dunno - be friends or s-something," Youngjae barely got out because - for the first time in years - he felt nervous and wanted to give a good first impression that wasn't meant to make him seem intimidating.

"Choi Youngjae," the boy bellowed, "I've been in most of your classes since the start of the year and probably before that, have talked and hung out with all of your friends countless times and I even let you borrow one of my notebooks last week, but you don't even know my name. You'll need a better reason to be my friend - for what - a week?" The ray of sunshine pouted, the nervousness replaced with slight offense.

"Look. I'm just trying to find someone new to talk to because I'm tired of my friends' extraness," Youngjae said firmly. "You're not new - I guess - but I'm sure that I haven't had a proper conversation with you."

It isn't going to happen today, Jaebum reckoned as he peered at the latter. He squinted, looking over Youngjae's shoulder and into the distance. Out of curiosity, Youngjae looked behind him and found nothing out of the ordinary.

"What are you looking at?" Youngjae asked.

"The fucks I give," Name Unknown stated, still searching. Youngjae's curiosity quickly died and he rolled his eyes.

Why am I still trying?

A cold laugh filled the air and Youngjae stared at the still unknown boy, "I almost forgot! My fucks are with Jimin's jams." Just as Youngjae was about to say an equally snide remark, a loud commotion started and both boys turned their attention to whatever was going on.

A girl that was in the year below the pair walked down the hallway with a flock of boys behind her. Youngjae scoffed, the normal sensation of his jaw clenching - so that he wouldn't grit his teeth - arriving as the girl strutted past. Im May. She was one of the many fake girls at this school that he hated with a passion.

It had become a habit because his group was known for sharing all the good gossip with each other so he subconsciously leaned towards the older with his hand covering his mouth. "She's such a hoe. I heard she's fucked half of the school," Youngjae whispered to the latter with venom laced into every word. The boy stared at the brunette with narrowed eyes.

"She's my sister," he informed.

Youngjae stared back at the burgundy-haired boy with wide eyes in complete and utter shock. He needed to leave before the embarrassment hurt his high self-esteem, confidence and large ego.

"Oh fuck! GOTTA KRIS!" Youngjae screamed before running to the classroom of his first class.

Jaebum stood silently, staring in the direction Youngjae ran in.

He gasped. "Did he just make an EXO reference?"


- Short/short-ish chapter (mainly short)
- References to other groups
- Cameos of other idols

Ya. Pretty much a basic fanfic. But it's not basic.



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