Chapter 16

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> Important Note: sometimes BamBam will speak in Thai so that'll be represented in bold and italic <


The chapter's a bit all around the place when it comes to things happening and people talking and that's kind of due to wanting it to be that way, but if it's too confusing do tell me.

And the text formatting had changed cuz all 7 of them are there and I don't feel like maintaining the format used in Chap 12 rn.

Texts in [] mean they've been deleted

Carry on = make a loud fuss; acting crazy/extra.


|||||| - Skrrt Master 345: y'all acting wacky af rn - ||||||

A Week Later...

Using the least amount of effort possible, Youngjae rubbed BamBam's back in comforting circles as the younger boy cried. The cause? A book currently sitting abandoned on the table in front of BamBam.

"It's okay," Jackson cooed, sat on BamBam's other side. "You knew Fon was going to die anyway."

"That do-doesn't stop it f-f-from hurting every ti-time," BamBam stuttered out in Thai, a harsh sob leaving him after.

"Korean, BamBam," Youngjae reprimanded monotonously, swiping some of Jaebum's vegetables.


"It's okay," Jackson reassured, drawing the younger boy into his side, BamBam looping his arms around Jackson's waist.

Jinyoung couldn't believe his eyes. Just an hour ago he'd seen Kunpimook mercilessly clown one of the songs Jackson was planning to post on SoundCloud. Fuming, Jackson had called Kunpimook an array of things in an array of languages. But now they're more or less cuddling, Jackson running his fingers through the second youngest's hair.

Sitting up, BamBam took a moment to wipe away his tears in the messy and dramatic way a kid would. "I-It hurts every time. What is Amy gonna do? Fon was her voice of reason!"

"She's strong. You know she is, Bammie," Jackson said softly.

"Yeah, she doesn't need a man!" Youngjae cheered. When BamBam hit this part in the book, they always pitied him. Maybe they could--

"He's dead, Youngjae. Have some respect," Jackson muttered, side eying him.

Youngjae almost shrunk in on himself, "I didn't mea--" the teen sighed, rolling his eyes. "He's fictional, Jackson. Have some dignity," Youngjae snapped back.

"As if you didn't cry at the end of Pan's Labyrinth," Mark teased.

"You shut your dirty mouth right now!"

"Why, oh, why!" The older boy wailed. "Why her!"

Youngjae stood, slamming his hands on the table and pretending to ready himself to lung over it at Mark. Jaebum was quick to drag him back into his seat. He looked cross or confused or both - Youngjae couldn't tell (he didn't know if he wanted to).

Jaebum patted the brunette's shoulder. "It's okay to cry sometimes, Youngjae," he said, visibly fighting back a smile.

It stunned Youngjae, left him at a complete loss for words because it had only been two weeks and he was already unfamiliar with how he and Jaebum used to be. For once in his life, though, he was thankful that MMG has trained him to show and feel no unfavourable emotion. His shock lasted a millisecond, replaced quickly. "See what you've done!" Youngjae hissed at Mark, Jaebum cackling.

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