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"I can't fucking believe you!" Youngjae screamed, moving his drenched bangs out of his eyes. Jaebum cackled evilly as the younger glares at him. "Make yourself useful and get me a mop so I can clean this up," Youngjae huffed, looking around him at the wet floor.

The burgundy haired boy rolled his eyes and walked out of the cafeteria after handing Youngjae the mop.

Had he said something wrong? Youngjae thought, sitting down at a random table and resting his head in his hands.

* * *

"Here," Jaebum said. Youngjae opened his eyes after hearing a thud on the table. A ball of PE shorts and a black pullover jacket (Jaebum had had PE that day).

"Thanks," Youngjae whispered.

• • •

"Kunpimook!" Youngjae called, waving to the blank boy. It had started raining and Youngjae knew that Kunpimook always had his bright blue umbrella so he was overjoyed when he remembered that BamBam had a club that day.

"When are you gonna get another umbrella? This one is pretty much still alive because of the miracle of duct tape," Youngjae stated after running under the umbrella and linking arms with the younger.

BamBam chuckled."When I decide to forget," he replied. Youngjae frowned.

"Don't you cling to this more, what ever this is, if you keep the umbrella?" BamBam is silent and Youngjae is silent because he knew that BamBam didn't have an answer.


"Why are you here?" Jaebum questioned. May shrugged off her bag and glanced at him.

"I got caught doing stuff," she answered vaguely, flinching when the double doors open and Youngjae greets Jaebum.

"What type of stuff?"

"Things along the lines of none of your business," May retorted, grabbing a broom.

• • •

Youngjae dropped the plastic bowl he was washing when he saw the bucket in Jaebum's hands.

"Jaebum," Youngjae warned, stepping away from the sink. Said male smirked.

"Don't even think about JaebU--" He successfully dodged the water and ran.

"Jaebum help me," May called. Youngjae stopped and watched as Jaebum jogged to his sister.

• • •

"Oh my gosh! There you are!" Jaebum exclaimed while pulling out his P.E shirt from his locker. He scowled. It was still slightly damp from sweat and smelt horrible.

Youngjae walked into the locker room after hearing Jaebum's screaming, thinking he had found someone.

Youngjae's face scrunched in disgust while holding his nose. "That's gross Jaebum! Put it away or something," Youngjae pleaded, causing Jaebum to move his head in his direction. The older's blank expression became a smirk when he realized he could tease Youngjae. "Oh, come on, it can't be that bad," Jaebum said, slowly walking to Youngjae - who in return walked backwards to the door.

"That's disgusting, Jaebum!" Youngjae screamed while racing out of the locker room and down the hallways to the cafeteria.

- - -

May walked out of the kitchen, grimacing when her nose catches a putrid smell. "Jesus, what died?!" (my soul) She asked, pulling her collar over her nose. The two idiots stopped running and turned towards her.

"Everything that came close to Jaebum's shirt," Youngjae said, pointing to the shirt in Jaebum's hand. May rolled her eyes at his voice.

"No one asked you, Youngji," May said venomously.

Youngjae glared at her, his cheeks dusted a bright red.

"Who the hell is Youngji and why are you blushing, Youngjae?" Jaebum butted in.

"No one," the brunette replied.

"You're wearing my jacket," Jaebum noted openly. The storm paused and Youngjae smiled at the older. The black pull-over with small baby blue unicorns littered all over was a surprise (considering it was from Mr Stone Cold). But it also was too big for Youngjae and long sleeves were the perfect weapon when, the creature they called, BamBam was looming around every corner with thousands of innuendos and a scary knowledge of smut on Wattpad (and honestly any fan fiction platform). The brunette nodded and picked at a loss thread on a sleeve. That wasn't good. He'd cut the threat yesterday after noticing it but here it was again and at the same length.

Youngjae almost snapped his neck when he heard May 'whisper', "Disgusting." He turned to her fully and sat down on the table he was next to. "Why do you hate me so much?" He asked, getting straight to the point.

"Because you betray your friends like they're just toys to talk to."

"You already got your revenge."

"I don't want Jaebum to get hurt!"

"He's your older brother May. He can handle his own problems."

May narrowed her eyes. "So you're gonna hurt him at some point?"

Youngjae sighed in frustration. "I would never do that intentionally. I make mistakes, okay? I hurt you because I was selfish and wasn't thinking," he tried to explain.

"Is that what happened to Youngji?" Jaebum asked out of the blue.

Youngjae turned to him. "No," he whispered.


"It was such a long time ago May," Youngjae said tiredly. The younger girl stared at him. "I was--" His voice faded away as he remembers.

"I hate you so much." Youngjae's gaze moved away from the ground and Jaebum stared wide-eyed at his sister. "You're a sob story that hides it under a crooked smile." Jaebum was confused. "You're just as pathetic as him," May spat.

Youngjae sped walked to her and pulled her head back by a handful of her hair. Jaebum had never seen Youngjae get from one place to another that quick; it was like he teleported. "Fucking fight me," Youngjae seethed angrily, his eyes glossy.

Jaebum rushed to them and pulled Youngjae away from his sister.

"I'm Youngjae's friend May, and there's not much that can change that now. I don't choose your friends so you don't get to choose mine," Jaebum began. May stopped trying to get to Youngjae. "So don't you dare think, for a second, that it's - in any way - right to tamper with my friendships," he growled.

May fidgeted with her fingers, cursing mentally when something stupid dribbled down her cheeks. A switch is flipped and May's mouth isn't hers. "I'm sorry appa. D-don't be mad, p-p-please!" She begged.

Jaebum let go of Youngjae and hugged her quickly, leading her outside.

• • •

Youngjae's head shot up when the double doors open. Jaebum picked up his forgotten mop and May walked towards the kitchen, not giving Youngjae so much as a glance. "We still have 30 minutes of cleaning," she informed.

"Youngjae," May called after a while. Youngjae stopped what he was doing and hummed. "You can have Jaebum. But if you hurt him, your high school rep will be non-existent in a day tops."


3am here. I wrote this on Monday and just added a few things (trust me, it's now way better than what I was gonna publish even though it's just a extra paragraph, rewording and an extra scene). Not really edited but I can't be bothered. Maybe next week. Thank you for reading!

- Dora

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