Chapter 7

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||||||| Extra Curricular Activities |||||||

Monday Morning Gossip was like fight club. It had a few changeable rules and the set ones which were: no low blows (new and made after Youngjae and May had become enemies); don't ask about initiation, if you've been told that yours will happen, because it's never the same except for the fact that it's normally traumatising and unexpected; and - of course - never speak of MMG to anyone other than initiated members.

A senior was chosen each year to run/organize locations and other aspects of the event. It was an honour if you were chosen in your last year. Labelled a legend of the pastime for either your bad or good leadership during your year, you set the expectations for the next senior.

The person was picked like their material: hushed voices in the halls throughout the last semester. Then, at the start of the new school year, the records were pulled and a normally biased decision was made.

The event was also like a tale from a family member's crazy stag party; something disregarded but known by all and subconsciously feared of because no one was safe, no one knew what really went on (MMG could become chaotic if you got on another member's bad side) and it was an overall strategically organized mess of foreboding trouble.

That week Youngjae missed MMG.

He'd arrived early, prepared with major 'news' about a freshman, a rookie named Lee Donghyuk - who was a danger to him at the moment. But, when walking to the second location of MMG (he and May weren't allowed to go to the same locations so he'd claimed that one as his own when its creation had been announced), Youngjae had been spotted by a curious BamBam that always wondered where the seventeen-year-old disappeared to on Mondays. Youngjae had allowed BamBam to pull him away, happily giving up on MMG.

He spent the rest of the hour before morning classes sitting on the football field with his clique, arguing with Jaebum over text for the second time that morning.

- - -

"I know there's been whispers about Youngjae recently; he's been acting weird and I heard from my brother that Youngjae really is begging him to be his friend."

The Senior had heard the group's main source of energy skipped that day so he'd gone to May's location and told his second in command (a girl in eleventh grade) to go to the second.

Jeonghan stepped forward, waving a hand with a serious expression and emotionless eyes. "Woah, woah. May, you know it's an unspoken rule that you or Youngjae aren't allowed to talk about each other unless it's going to amount to something," Jeonghan warned, stepping between her and the other whispering members of MMG. May gasped - offended - and shot a quick glare in Jeonghan direction, pushing her loose hair to one shoulder hastily.

She knew.

She and Youngjae were enemies and everyone ate it up like a new season of a Netflix series. If they had tea on the other then it had to be interesting and something MMG members could watch from the sidelines as it progressed.

"But I'm telling the truth, Senior! Why would you doubt me like that?" May lamented, words dripping with false hurt. Jeonghan narrowed his eyes for a moment (everyone's reactions and actions had to be quick but noticeable).

Im May was a respected figure but disrespecting or calling out The Senior could be a disastrous decision. At the end of each session, members went back to their groups and shared what had been said. The Senior was like any other student and was allowed to be petty if they wanted to.

All in all, MMG was just one version of the school's many dog eat dog type of side activities. Something secret and known by everyone but the teachers.

- - -

"Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum. Jaebum."

"Shut up," said boy hissed, trying not to break his pencil.



"Why?" Youngjae repeated.

"Because I don't like when you talk."

"Well I don't like your face."

"Are we in kindergarten?" Jaebum stopped writing long enough to shoot Youngjae a look. "Plus, you're not a nice sight either."

"Ha! So you admit that you're ugly!"


"Yes you did~" Youngjae teased.

"No. I didn't."





"Yes you did."

"No I didn't."






"I didn't!" The older boy growled. "Now shut up so that I can finish my work. You should get back to yours as well."

"But I already finished it and now I'm bboorrreeedddd." The work had been fairly easy and, contrary to expected assumptions, Youngjae had gone through last week's notes on the topic when he'd felt like it during the weekend. He'd breezed through the questions and was now left to suffer.

"Mr. Choi and Mr. Im, I'd advise you to stop chatting before you get a detention."

"See, Youngjae, even the teacher wants you to shut up. It's disrespectful to not listen to a teacher." The brunette crossed his arms over his chest, frowning.

"Fine. You win," Youngjae mumbled. Jaebum grinned, continuing to answer to the questions on the double-sided handout.

• • •

Five minutes.

Youngjae gave Jaebum five minutes of silence because - hey - he's not that cruel.


"Jesus, Youngjae, shut up!" Jaebum yelled, slamming his pencil on to the desk. It made Youngjae flinch but he still sported a smug smile.

Jaebum felt like punching that stupid grin.

"Jaebum and Youngjae, you have one more chance before you're sent to the office," the teacher warned, his voice stern and bordering an aggravated yell. Jaebum was surprised.

It had been a while since a teacher had spoken to him like that.

The teacher's features softened until he was visibly concerned. "I'm a bit disappointed Jaebum," the teacher said softly, shacking his head after. Youngjae snickered when he glanced over at Jaebum - who looked like a kicked puppy.


[Edited A/N]
Was a filler + the shortest chapter I've written (296 words).

Now this chapter is pretty important.

I've just added MMG and I don't know what I'm going to do with it but atm it's a freaking drastic help for backstories plus it really helps get everyone ready for the writing style of a clump of Part 2's chapters.

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