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/////_ Easter Break - First Week _\\\\\

I'm bored

Then do something


I'm at the park with my sisters



I have to give you a reason to go to the park?
😢 You've changed Jaebum


You're unbelievably.
I would just like to spend time with my child

And occupy your time because you have nothing better to do?

Yuuna' s_Eomma
:') yup



Youngjae shut off his phone and ran to his closet in seconds. He pulled on a pair of skinny jeans, a light pink t-shirt and put Jaebum's hoodie on over the shirt, slipping on a pair of lace-less Van's and rushing down the stairs.

"Where do you think you're going, young man?" Mrs/Ms Choi nagged, walking out from the kitchen after hearing Youngjae stumble down the stairs.

"I'm meeting my two daughters and their father at the park," Youngjae replied while walking to the door and searching for his keys on the table next to it.

"Youngjae you're seventeen when-- how did you get two daughters!"

"I'm meeting up with Jaebum and his sisters," Youngjae clarified.

"But how did go from children and dad to friend and friend's sisters-- are you guys dating now?" Youngjae's mother asked, becoming jumpy and excited when she jumped to conclusions but Youngjae shook his head violently.

"I'll explain everything sometime," Youngjae assured before pocketing his phone and keys, saying goodbye to his mom and running out.

• • •

"Mummy!" Yuuna screamed before running up to Youngjae. The small human hugged his waist until the brunette lifted her up. "Can you push me on the swings? Jaebum is sleeping because 'I have to much energy' and May is texting her boyfriend," the six year old said with a pout,"PS, don't tell appa that May has a boyfriend. She says that he wouldn't like him but she really likes him." Youngjae nodded before walking to the row of swings. He set Yuuna down and she ran to a swing, waiting for her eomma to push her.

- - -

After an hour, Youngjae tiredly flopped down next to Jaebum, who snickered.

Jaebum was right when he told Yuuna she had too much energy, Youngjae thought as he watched the 6 year old run around with a friend she had made in 0.0001 seconds. Jaebum yawned, resting his head on Youngjae's lap. "Can you help me raise her?"

"How did-- but I'm just here 'cause-- Jaebum what the hell-- you can't just-- that's not fair," Jaebum stopped Youngjae, telling him to breathe. "It's so sudden-- like 0-10,000 sudden-- I don't wanna give up the rest of my teenage years and some of my early adulthood like that-- I wanna live-- okay I just wanna survive but - like - I still want the freedom to do nothing," Youngjae ranted a bit clearer.

"I need help and Yuuna respects you."

"She does?" Youngjae never knew someone could respect another person, especially himself. Jaebum nodded. "How am I supposed to help though? I don't have a car and I don't know anything about parenting," Youngjae stated.

"That'll be sorted out in time. I just need someone to help with emotions and stuff. Please Youngjae?" The younger didn't say a word while Yuuna ran around and talked to the ducks.

"Okay," Youngjae said, finally caving.

"Thank you!"


I had to make this chapter realistic so I had to literally cut it in half.

Two more chapters will be published during today, tomorrow and/or Monday (cuz it's a long weekend for me)

- Dora

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