Chapter 17

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||||||| - Mr & Mrs Yoo's Noodle Nook - |||||||

Youngjae normally spent his weekends with his inner circle - Jinyoung, too, if he was lucky. The location differed: sometimes at Mark's house, BamBam's house, Yugyeom's, Youngjae's, a cafe, the library. But most weeks they were together, chatting, laughing, ignoring homework or, on the rare occasion, actually studying (more so a well prepared Youngjae watching the rest of his friends cram right before mid-terms started).

"Yo," Yugyeom greeted, waltzing into Youngjae's room with his more or less empty school bag on one shoulder. Mark and Youngjae gave him noncommital waves, both on their phones in search of a movie to watch. Huffing, Yugyeom flung his bag in the general direction of Youngjae's desk, the brunette raising his head just in time to notice the grin on Yugyeom's face as he took a few steps back.

"Not again," Youngjae bemoaned as Yugyeom started running, throwing himself onto Youngjae's bed, almost getting kneed by Mark and elbowed by Youngjae as they tried to avoid getting squashed. Something was off, though. "Where's BamBam?"

"Home," Yugyeom said into Youngjae's duvet, voice muffled. "Has a bunch of homework due and he got a C on a test last week, so his mom has him on house arrest."

"Should we call him?" Youngjae asked, hopping off his bed to grab his computer. Yugyeom hummed, sighing happily when Mark, after returning to his phone, ran his fingers through the youngest's hair.

"His mom went out so we have, like, one hour minimum - two if we're lucky," Yugyeom informed them as if they all didn't already know the drill.

Grabbing his computer from it's designated place on his desk, Youngjae handed it to Mark before racing downstairs to grab some snacks. When he got back to his room, his three other friends were in a heated debate about Red Velvet.

Youngjae squeezed between Mark and Yugyeom to see the computer screen. BamBam was using his phone and from the angle it was at, Youngjae could see that he was sat at his desk at home. There were a few textbooks in a pile next to him and a small stack of lined paper in front of him.

"Hi, Youngjae," BamBam greeted, waving. Youngjae waved back, opening one of the bags of chips he'd brought up.

"Anyways," Yugyeom chimed in, "as I was saying, Umpah Umpah is hands down Song of the Century."

BamBam rolled his eyes. "And as I said before, you need to stop lying to yourself or get your ears checked because Bad Boy exists and can't be topped."

"What about Zimzalabim?" Youngjae asked. The room went silent.

"I'd like to keep my head, thanks," Yugyeom whispered. Youngjae couldn't help but laugh.

"Guys you are forgetting B-sides," Mark said.

At that, though fond, Youngjae blocked them out, unlocking his phone after it buzzed with a text notification.

- - -

FRIEND : hey

Youngjae : hi
Youngjae : ...wait. oMG you texted first!!!

FRIEND : um yeah??

Youngjae : ...

FRIEND : ...

Youngjae : ...

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