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The Night Before The Last Month Of School

"Youngie," someone familiar called.

Youngjae turned around, realizing he was in a classroom he hadn't seen for 2 years. But the most surprising thing was when he caught sight of the person who'd called him by a nickname no one dared to say anymore.

He almost broke down on the spot.

The person smiled at him, walking to him and engulfing the smaller in a hug.

Youngjae missed his hugs.

"Youngjae why did you leave me? I told you to stand by me!" He scolded.

The raven haired boy tightened his grip on the taller's lithe (wow! first time using that word!) waist. "Please don't stop hugging me," Youngjae begged, closing his eyes to enjoy a rare scent he hadn't smelt for so long.

This felt too real for a dream.


"Youngjae, you're scaring me," He said.

"I-I just know that when I let go I won't see you," Youngjae argued.

"Youngie, I'm not so sure about that," he muttered.

-~+* - - - *+~-

Youngjae woke up with tear stained cheeks and pillow. He shot up, soft sobs intensifying as he grabbed for his phone. The brightness gave him a short headache as 3:23am appeared before he typed in a memorized number.

"Hello?" The person answered in a tired mumble after two attempts. The younger continued to sob and sniffle, finding the older's voice comforting. "Youngjae?" They called worriedly.

"Th-the m-memories are ba-ack," Youngjae tried to say through a series of sniffles.

"Fuck," Mark whispered.

+ + +

The Queen is startled out of his sleep in the middle of the night by the sound of someone or something pounding at the castle's doors.

He shivers from the eeriness of the empty castle. His staff had left long ago and the Queen has to wonder when they'd left, not knowing whether they'd left years or months before and he just hadn't noticed, because the days and nights had bled together so well. Or if they had just left at their normal time of three to four.

He stands at the large wooden doors, pondering on how he'll manage to open them all by himself. The Queen tests his luck by trying to open one of the two and, to his surprise, the door is as light as a feather. But he instantly regrets his choice.

His sworn enemy had returned after the King had casted it to a far away abyss. His eyes widen as the door is flung open by its 'arm', causing him to be knocked to the ground.

"Hello, your majesty," it snarls evilly, bowing before straightening and showing a frightening smirk. The Queen stares at his enemy in horror but realizes quickly that it is only seven feet tall, meaning it was still quite weak considering the fact that was a creature that normally feeds off of sorrow.

With this information, Youngjae rises to his feet, glaring at his enemy with eyes full of determination.

"Welcome back," he growled, a smirk dancing on his lips.



Did you guys think he was talking to Jaebum when he woke up?

This is kinda a taste of what Part 2 will look like.

There's a lot of flashbacks and lengthy metaphorical stories.

- Dora

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