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///_ Easter Break - First Week _\\\

Thursday •

Yuuna woke up the next morning between a sleeping Jaebum and someone she can only put as: 'the boy from last night'.

She smiled happily when she looked up and saw the guy's head laying on her brother's extended arm. Yuuna sat on her calves and leaned forward, poking Jaebum and the other boy's cheek. The guy swatted at the air and Jaebum grumbled incoherently, opening one eye and sighing when he saw his youngest sister. "Go back to sleep Yuuna." The little girl glanced at his alarm clock (it was 6:32) and, shrugging to herself, laid down again.

• • •

Jaebum and Youngjae woke up again at 11:00.

Youngjae decided to roll off of Jaebum's bed in an attempt to wake himself up but only realized how stupid the idea was when he hit the floor. Jaebum poked his head over the side of the bed a second later with an equally stupid smile. "You okay there?" The older asked cheekily.

"Fucking dandy," Youngjae grumbled, sitting, then standing up. He then walked to Jaebum's door after finally noticing the clear sound of surround sound conversations.

"Do you need a ride home or to Mark's house?" Youngjae froze, a little hurt that the question was the first proper thing Jaebum had said to him. But that wasn't the point. His mom is away until Monday and Youngjae couldn't handle an empty house.

"Can I stay with you a little longer?" Youngjae asked, not wanting to bother going back to Mark's house. "Only till Monday," he added when he didn't get an immediate response. A simple "why not." came after a moment with Jaebum walking past him and down the hall to the stairs. Youngjae followed eagerly.

- - -

"Yuuna!" Jaebum shouted sternly when he opened the doors, that separated half of the peninsula bar from the rest of the kitchen, and saw his sister jumping and dancing on the couch to a Backyardigans episode. His sister flopped only the couch (reflexes) and the volume was quickly turned down before she raced into the kitchen, until she saw Youngjae. He greeted her and she just blinked, not knowing what to do.

Yuuna motioned for Jaebum to come to her. The burgundy haired boy walked over to his sister, crouching down so that she could whisper in his ear. "He's so pretty!" Jaebum chuckled glancing at Youngjae who was looking around at everything awkwardly.

"I told you," he whispered back before he stood up. "This is my friend, Youngjae. He'll be staying with us for the rest of the week. And Youngjae this is my little sister, Yuuna." Yuuna nodded and Youngjae waved. She rushed to the brunette and grabbed his hand.

"Let's go look at Jaebum's baby pictures!" She exclaimed.

"Yuuna, don't parents normally do that stuff with the girlfriends?" It surprised Jaebum that Youngjae would say such a thing.

Yuuna squinted. "Aren't you Jaebum's girlfriend?"


"I'm not his style."

"Well, I bet you Suho wasn't Kris' style when they first met but they were a nice ship."

"Wait, Yuuna how do you know about ships?" Jaebum butted in.

"May," Yuuna sang.

The older frowned. "Please remember ships aren't real Yuuna, I'm sorry."

"Santa Claus isn't either but lies make us feel happy and more put together." Then she skipped away. "I have a playdate in an hour by the way!" She reminded before disappearing. Youngjae had never seen someone lose copious amounts of chill before but Jaebum was a perfect example. In seconds, he'd barked orders to Yuuna, handed Youngjae their house phone telling him to ask for direction then said a number and name before rushing out.

• • •

"Oh I love Just Right!" Jaebum exclaimed, sitting next to Youngjae where there was already a bowl and spoon.

"I called Mark." The older hummed, munching happily on his cereal.

"...So are you gonna sleep on the couch then?"

"Your sister despises me with a passion and I don't trust her with a wooden pencil around me."

"Do you need any clothes from anywhere?"

"Are you going anywhere?"

"Nope." Jaebum sat back and looked at Youngjae.

"Marathon of Yo Gabba Gabba? I got dvds for days."

"That is the most beautiful thing I've heard from you Im," Youngjae replied, wiping a fake tear.


It's boring and I'm sorry. I lost inspiration cuz the first paragraph and it was just a mess writing this chapter. Happy birthday (or belated birthday *shrugs* idk) to the chic-meme that is GOT7's leader!!

ninalyene I fixed the ending to Chap 34!

- Dora

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