Chapter 3

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||| Raps Like Jay Z |||

Youngjae was sat at a table with his clique in the middle of the crowded cafeteria. He ate his lunch silently while his friends argued about people and pop groups he was only acquainted with or didn't know.

"Hyungwon is more of a 'Judging You' meme than Changkyun!" Mark argued glaring at his two other friends.

"I'm telling you, Changkyun's judging level can exceed Kyungsoo's! So you can't say anything!" BamBam shot back, giving Mark a pointed look for doubting the mentioned male's abilities. And that said something because he was comparing him to an idol.

"What about Jun, BamBam?" Yugyeom chimed in, a smug expression on his face. Youngjae shook his head. Sitting through his friends' debates was like watching animals hunting but there were no innocent victims.

"Don't bring him into this," BamBam hissed while pointing a finger at Yugyeom, "I can't with that slice of cheese pizza right now." He huffed, waving his hand towards Yugyeom lazily. "Don't mention him." Yugyeom raised his hands in surrender, saying a small 'okay'.

The weird description of the well known Chinese male had caught Youngjae's attention, making him recall something he'd heard going around school. He made an inhuman sound to get everyone's attention and leaned towards his group. "I heard that he's going out with some girl now. But, it's like the second one this month 'cause he still wants to be... 'close' to the last guy he was with," Youngjae commented in a hushed tone.

"Who was the guy again?" Mark checked. Youngjae shrugged but Yugyeom snapped his fingers.

"Another Chinese guy. Some Minghoo - it was Ming-something." 

"Minghao. He told me at the start of the year that something happened between them during the summer, but he refuses to tell any of us what exactly happened," BamBam explained. They all nodded.

"Hyungwon is still a better 'judging you meme'," Mark grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest with a childish pout. Youngjae rolled his eyes and continued eating.

"No he's not!" BamBam screeched, bringing attention to himself. It irritated Youngjae, irritation evolving into anger when he heard whispers coming from all direction. BamBam and Mark ignored it and sent death glares from across the table. "Have you ever seen how much Changkyun judg--," BamBam started loudly.

"Shut up!" Youngjae screamed, interrupting the restarted argument. Everything went silent and the whispering stopped. Youngjae sighed. 

This was how tired his was of his friends. He didn't want whispers and rumours and the judging eyes appearing every few minutes anymore. Or maybe he didn't want to notice them.  Maybe he didn't want to care about noticing them? You know what, Youngjae was tired of everything.

> > >

It was somewhat quiet for ten minutes. Exactly, ten minutes (Youngjae had checked).

During that time, Mark had taken out his phone (there were no teachers around) and started playing music at a low volume that only the four of them could hear. Most of it was in English and was a genre that Youngjae didn't adore so he didn't pay attention to it and just continued his quest of finishing his meal.

Then the tenth minute came and a new Post Malone song poured out of Mark's phone.

It took only seconds for the owner of the phone and Yugyeom to turn it up to full volume and climb on top of an empty table next to theirs. The whole cafeteria stared at the two boys making a fool of themselves as they sang to the song like they were tone-deaf, everyone screaming 'congratulations' when it came up in the chorus.

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