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////_ Easter Break - First Week _\\\\
• Friday •

"No you don't," Youngjae chirped after jumping on Jaebum's back before he entered the kitchen. "I'm cooking as compensation for appearing out of thin air and staying."

"You're not a burden or anything you know," Jaebum assured cautiously. Youngjae hummed, standing on his own two feet again.

"I kinda know," Youngjae replied, asking where the aprons were. Jaebum told him and spun around after. "Where are you going?"

"To play with Yuuna," Jaebum answered back in a childish tone. The brunette rolled his eyes, found a nice apron with floral patterns on it and began to cook.

• • •

There's a smell of eggs, bacon, side dishes and more wafting from the kitchen when Youngjae walked to the sliding doors to the backyard. It was opened almost all the way and he watched as Jaebum and Yuuna ran around. "Breakfast is ready!" He shouted, hating how he felt so motherly. They stopped running and walk to the door. Youngjae stepped away from it, Yuuna skipping in first and Jaebum after. The older stopped before passing him, turning to the brunette and embracing him suddenly.

Youngjae didn't move, not knowing what to do. But Jaebum let go quickly and Youngjae realized Yuuna was staring at them so he coughed awkwardly to fill the silence and walked in front of the siblings, Yuuna holding his hand silently at some point and walking beside him.

They sat down and began to eat, at the smaller dining room table, after Jaebum called May. The younger girl arriving with her eyes on her phone and earbuds blocking out any sound.

• • •

"Done?" Youngjae asked after taking his last bite. Jaebum nodded happily. Youngjae takes his and Jaebum's dishes and moves to the sink.

"Can I call you mom?" Yuuna asked through a mouth full of eggs. Jaebum reprimanded her for talking with her mouth full and Youngjae laughed.

Annoyed by the sound out it, May pulled out her earbuds, noticing the apron he was wearing. She got up abruptly, her chair scraping against the ground as she rushed to Youngjae and took a fistful of Youngjae's hair, continuously pulling and screaming 'take it off'. Jaebum turned to Yuuna quickly and told her to go play in her room.

"But I--"

"Yuuna go!" Jaebum yelled. She pouted sadly and sped out. Jaebum took the opportunity to separate May from Youngjae, holding her off the ground.

May flailed for a minute more until she went completely limp. "Take off the apron," she murmured, peering down at Youngjae. The older huffed.

"That's it? You almost gave me a bald spot for this?" Youngjae asked, pinching the apron.

"Take it off!" May demanded, her voice rising but she returned to her limp state.

"No," Youngjae said sternly. "You can't boss me around like I'm some puppet. You can't just do something like that and--" May turned her head away from the brunette.

"Let me down Jaebum. I'm done listening to bullshit," she hissed. He did as she asked and she walked away like it was nothing.

"You should take it off," Jaebum mumbled.

"You too?" Disbelief laced Youngjae's voice. He sighed and took the apron off. Jaebum turned around with a quick "I'll go talk to her." and before he could walk away Youngjae grabbed his arm.

"I got her mad. I'll talk to her," Youngjae insisted.

"It's not because she doesn't like you."

"Oh-- well I did something wrong."

Jaebum sighed "I don't feel like arguing right now. Just go."

- - -

Youngjae opened May's door after knocking, memories, of the few times he'd been in the room when they were at 'good terms', appearing and disappearing as quickly as they came. She was laying with her back to the door and Youngjae stopped when she suddenly spoke. "I miss her."



"Get out." May snapped.

"I'm not leaving just 'cause you want me to."

"You'll infect my brother with your stupidity and I don't want to breathe the same air as you."

He sat on the edge of her the bed next to where her legs are. "I'm not some bad influence anymore."

"You were, the first time you got actual friends and look where that got you."

"Doubtful of why I'm still here and didn't just go with him?" Youngjae replied.

"I'm sorry," May apologized, sitting up.

"Nothing you haven't heard."

"I just-- you walk around--" May sighed, "you act like you're the only one who's hurt."

"Because I run away," Youngjae stated.

"What do you mean?"

"No one knows your past. They just know what's told or what they experience with you. No one knows your's. Whatever makes you this ballistic when I wear an apron, I bet you, only Jinyoung knows. Everyone witnessed the 'past' that holds me down to whatever labels I'm secretly given. I claimed a spot as King so I continuously have to prove that I'm not those things," Youngjae explained.

"So you run?"

"I run like hell."

May chuckled.


The younger girl wrapped her arms around Youngjae without thinking and he doesn't say anything, slowly returning the hug.

"I want a hug too," Yuuna whined, about to walk to the pair. Jaebum stopped her, telling her to leave them alone.

May pulled away quickly when she heard the additional voices, coughing awkwardly after. Youngjae smiled and stood up. "Thank you." Young has turned slightly, smiling.

"No problem."



This week I celebrated 2 Years with Kpop. And I'm just happy I won't celebrate on Wattpad like this for another 2 years.

I was supposed to give you all a triple update but I failed so there will be a double update during the week before Friday and a normal update.


- Dora

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