Chapter 19

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I realized a while ago that, while writing and editing this book, I didn't account for it being winter. I understand that Seoul does experience snow, but I've decided to not correct this detail because a) it's quirky uwu and b) I've never experienced winter (ignore the fact that the changes in seasons in The Rainbow are noticeable oof). Instead, I'll be describing the seasons how they are where I live: non-existent.

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||||||||| - The Lake - |||||||||

The late afternoon sun was just starting to lower in the sky, separating it into layers of silvery blue, a softening yellow and then a vibrant orange. It made Youngjae feel like a proper main character, Idle Town by Conan Gray serving as background music as he gazed out his window at a blur of trees and bush, Yugyeom snoring on his shoulder. They'd been driving for a while, the start of the trip being ten times more energetic than what it was now. Yet Youngjae didn't see any need to complain. The road they were on stretched for a few miles and he had always had a fascination with going. Whether it was just staying busy or escaping, he'd always had a liking of the concept. The green blur fascinated him, the rainbow or cars that whipped past them in both directions, even the dull yellow and grey of the asphalt moving underneath and around them.

Absentmindedly, Youngjae reached into the travel-sized bag of chips in his lap, grabbing blindly so he could continue to watch the scenery. The bag was empty. Surprisingly. And it was enough to bring the distracted boy back to earth. "Conan Gray's whole discography is road trip music , and you can't convince me otherwise," Mark argued from the driver seat. It was supposed to sound stubborn but his words held no real weight. He didn't want to raise his voice and potentially disturb Yugyeom.

"I wouldn't be trying to if you played other music! He only has ten songs out, Mark," BamBam seethed, voice but a whisper. He kept trying to switch the car's Bluetooth connection to his phone but was yet to succeed. His hand couldn't take much more of the abuse.

"We're almost there," Mark grumbled, slapping at BamBam's hand as it snaked its way toward the radio once again. "And my car--" He pushed BamBam's hand away. "My rules."

BamBam slumped back into the passenger chair, rubbing at his sore hand. "I'd respect that if I hadn't had to listen to every Conan Gray song thrice against my will."

"WHY, WHY, WHY" The instrumental started. "WHY, WHY WHY--"

"Please let me play some BTS or Ed Sheeran, please," BamBam begged, teary-eyed. "They also have good road trip songs."

"Fine." Begrudgingly, Mark disconnected his phone, Butterfly by BTS starting no more than a minute later.

A forest sat at either side of the highway they were travelling down. The road itself led to the neighbouring town but that wasn't where they were going. Mark pulled off onto a beaten dirt path. The car shook violently, BamBam and Youngjae grabbing onto the car's grab handles for dear life.

"Can't you drive any better?" BamBam yelled over the sound of Mark's car trying its best to move over the rocky terrain, tree branches hitting the windows and top of the vehicle.

"Sure thing, dude!" Mark yelled back, rolling his eyes. "Let me just become an earth bender real quick!"

"Fuck you, Mark!"

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