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/_Rose Eglanteria_\
• Saturday •


Youngjae hummed happily while eating the last of his ice cream cone. Jaebum had finished his a while ago and just sat silently, playing a game on his phone.

"Ya know my mom always said life is like a box of chocolates," Youngjae started.

Jaebum narrowed his eyes. "Are you seriously quoting Forrest Gump?" He asked.

"Shut up and let me finish," Youngjae hissed. The older raised his hands in surrender. "Life is like a box of chocolates 'cause you get a box and then after a while there's only one left." Youngjae turned to Jaebum. "So there's other people that want the last piece," Youngjae explained, "and they just take it. Most people just complain bit and buy another one - start over again - but then there's the people that 'scream and fuss' because the box was gift they didn't ask for; a bad surprise sometimes."

Jaebum crossed his legs on the bench and stared at the stranger passing. "That sounds so depressing."

"Don't blame me. The author is trying to be deep."

"You say some really weird things," Jaebum remarked. Youngjae shrugged nonchalantly. "Are we going to talk about the weird things you've been saying and some of the--"

"I'm sorry," Youngjae apologized, "I don't know how. I don't want to."

"Its okay. You can tell me someday. It doesn't have to be tomorrow or next week or this year. Just a day on a calendar," Jaebum reassured.




BamBam laughed at the large splash that Jinyoung made after jumping off the dock.

After a random text and a bus ride they were at the Lake and racing to the dock.

"Remind me again why we're hanging out," Jinyoung said after surfacing from a cannonball worth ten points (if there were judges).

"I don't know either," BamBam replied. "It just kinda happened."

Jinyoung frowned when he noticed a silhouette sit down on their sofa. "Where are you going?" BamBam asked. Jinyoung ignored him and kept swimming.

"You can't--" the raven haired boy stopped himself when he realized that the person was Yugyeom, folded into the fetus position. He stooped down in front of him.


"Leave me alone, hyung. I don't wanna reenact that scene from All In," Said male replied, his voice muffled by his face mask.

"It's gonna happen at some point." Yugyeom slowly unraveled himself, sat up and pulled the material off of his face.

Now Jinyoung is not typical so he didn't gasp in horror; he - instead -muttered, "What the holy muffin table fuck, Yugyeom? What happened?"

"I got beat up by my special person," Yugyeom said.

"I knew some girls could be abusive but what the heck?"

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