Chapter 8

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|||||||| Stop, Stop It. Get Some Help ||||||||

Youngjae : you gonna to tell me jinyoung's number yet?

•-• : na.

Youngjae :

Youngjae :

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•-• :
•-• : but today seemed like a good day to be spiteful so no.

Youngjae : it's not even for me tho!

•-• : you're the one asking...tho
•-• : just ask Jinyoung himself and stop annoying me

Youngjae : i might.
Youngjae : i'm getting nowhere here so i probably will the next time i see him

- - -

Jaebum definitely didn't panicked for a second.

There'd been a night where Youngjae had texted him at 2am and it had been alright, in Jaebum's opinion. The hourlong interaction made him admit to himself that, if Youngjae was like 2am Youngjae all the time, he wouldn't have minded hanging out with him.)

- - -

•-• : you told me this why?

Youngjae : dunno

Youngjae : kinda just typed and sent without thinking

•-• : okay.
•-• : I don't care.

Youngjae : oh
Youngjae : i know
Youngjae : just trying to make a convo

•-• : goodbye creature

Youngjae : farewell hoe

| | |

Youngjae pocketed his phone before grabbing his school bag and, shouting a "goodbye" to his mom, left for a nearby library. He only had a week until a round of tests started and wanted to be as prepared as possible, so he'd decided to spend as much of his free-time studying as he could.

This year he'd given up on the idea that his grades had to be mediocre (B's and C's) so that he wouldn't hear skeptical whispers if he put actual effort into studying and got A's once in awhile. Studying had been like meditation to Youngjae since forever. And, as senior year and graduation neared, he began to block out all the toxicity he'd taught himself to endure and be involved in at school because colleges wouldn't care if he'd been a respected member of MMG since freshman year.

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