Chapter 10

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> Important Note: The Minjee and Daeyoung mentioned are OCs <


/| Try |\

Jaebum's ears perked when he heard humming. He tried to ignore it at first, instead searching through his locker for an old textbook Yugyeom had asked about. The two groups were meeting up tomorrow, having decided to do so every Wednesday from now on.

The person passed and Jaebum all but slammed his locker shut when he noticed light brown hair, almost happy to see it was actually Youngjae. He hadn't seen much of him on Monday, which made the tower of books he was struggling with (how he managed to sound absolutely fine was beyond Jaebum) a blessing in disguise. The older boy could finally start what he'd deemed 'Misson Impossible'.

Youngjae was walking in zigzags to God knows where, barely balancing the constantly shifting heap of books in his arms. Jaebum had to help. He scurried to Youngjae's side, opting to not scare him shitless by touching him. "I'll help," he said, his voice not too loud and not too soft. Youngjae still jumped out of his skin, dropping a few books in the process. The burgundy-haired boy offered a smile and apology as he picked them up, Youngjae peering skeptically at him when he was stood upright again. "I'll take half," Jaebum offered. Youngjae frowned, eyebrows furrowing in concentration like he'd gotten stuck while trying to find a very subtle difference in the latter.

The seventeen-year-old knew he should be happy. Jaebum was being nice to him! But, if middle school had taught Youngjae one thing, it would be that trust issues got you pretty far - kept you safe. (Macbeth begs to differ, but okay) Maybe the older boy wanted something. Maybe he was suddenly out to get Youngjae. It clearly wouldn't be the first time. Youngjae could surely handle it.

In due time, but for now he'd rather not pull something trying to lug so much weight.

"Yeah, take half," he said, smile appearing when the weight of the books lightened. He thanked Jaebum immediately and told him where they needed to go.

• • •

The walk was silent. Not awkward, just comfortable and Youngjae was grateful for that. It gave him time to wonder what had gotten into Jaebum and why they hadn't started arguing yet. Youngjae watched him somehow open the staff room door, holding it open as the other boy walked in. Probably because it's one of those doors that automatically close if you let go, Youngjae reasoned.

The room was empty, the lights turned off. Neither could believe it was the staff room. They put the books down and Youngjae sighed in relief, wanting to never again help his Literature teacher.

"We've got to tell Mark and Jackson about this," Youngjae remarked, leaning against the table that the books were on. Jaebum laughed, flopping onto a couch. Youngjae wanted to hear and see more of this: Jaebum being comfortable around him.

"Have they already started planning their senior prank?"

"Of course. They're probably gonna start a secret committee soon to ensure everything goes smoothly," Youngjae joked. Well, he hoped he was but Jackson was friendly enough to set up something like that.

"Once they figure out what they're doing I guess," Jaebum added. Youngjae hummed. The older boy sounded like he was asking a question more than stating something.

"You really didn't know?"

"No. Doesn't seem like you should either, though." 

Youngjae sighed, eyes trained on the ceiling. "I have my ways," he replied vaguely. Jaebum sat up, staring curiously at him in the sunlit room. Youngjae could see the gears in his head moving until all emotion left the older boy's face.

"We should go."

"Yup." The brunette hopped up, waiting for Jaebum to follow.

• • •

Jaebum listened as Youngjae subconsciously hummed a song he had never heard. Youngjae had insisted they walk to lunch together and Jaebum had forced himself to say yes.

As they neared the cafeteria, a flock of May's friends (read: minions) appeared, stopping in front of the pair. A chorus of "hello, oppa" filled the air as their bright - almost neon - pink lips curved into wide smiles. Youngjae couldn't help but glare, especially when he saw Jaebum sporting a bright smile while greeting the large group. A short conversation followed, with the four girls and Jaebum making small talk, Youngjae refusing to join. Soon after, another high pitched chorus sounded, this time with 'goodbye's.

The brunette watched as Jaebum continued walking and the group moved past them, his head turning to look over his shoulder. Youngjae gasped as the whole group flipped him the bird while walking backwards. He was seething and found no other way to calm himself down than to start some shit. "Y'know," he started once he was walking alongside Jaebum again. The older boy narrowed his eyes, keeping his gaze forward as he waited for Youngjae to continue. "I heard that the whole bunch of them have been kicked out of almost four high schools." Jaebum sighed, deciding he'd been nice enough for today.

Dejected, Youngjae frowned as Jaebum spun around and ran away. "What about lunch?" He shouted, gaining no response.

- - -

May took a bite of her sandwich, snorting as one of her closer 'friends' tried to catch a skittle in their mouth. Four newbies stormed over to the table, flopping into their designated seats and rolling their eyes.

"Youngjae?" Minjee asked, smiling at how upset they seem to be. May laughed.

"You don't have to hate him for me," she cooed, taking another bite of her sandwich.

She found the newbies adorable. They came from different schools, unlike May's main group of 'friends' that she'd met in middle school, and were trying so hard to be liked. Or stay on May's good side until they found their own footing. She didn't know which one yet, but she did know she had to give them a crash course in makeup. They looked like they'd picked each product with their eyes closed before slapping it on to their faces.

The leader of the newbies sighed. "He was walking with Jaebum." May stopped chewing, sharing a surprised look with Minjee, Ara and Daeyoung.

"Oh?" She said, intrigued. "Continue."


Another update.

I got a lot of the chapters finished or half finished so I'm might update more for a while. Maybe.

- TheSixYearOld

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