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||||||||| » Lonely « |||||||||

They haven't talked in a week and it was affecting everyone.

Mark and Jackson hung out secretly because, if they were caught together Jaebum and/or Youngjae would stare at them so fiercely that the tense silence would pull the pair apart. Yugyeom and BamBam couldn't watch their daily anime marathon of at least 10 episodes and neither Youngjae nor Jaebum would shut up about how 'horrible' the other was, so Jinyoung was tearing his hair out because of the endless and repetitive phone calls and conversations.

Youngjae had finished his lunch first and was acting like an upset sad potato. He hadn't talk much throughout the past week, during school, too.

Mark sighed and pulled out his phone and, after a minute or so, the older slid the device to Youngjae. Youngjae stared at him and then the screen before standing up and climbing onto the vacant table next to theirs.

The instrumental poured through Mark's speaker and Jaebum - who had been watching - put down his spoon and stare at the shorter. (kmkmkmkmkmkmkmkmkmkm)

'I'm sorry, it's my fault
Thank you, it's all thanks to you
These were words you said out of habit
Even though I knew you were struggling too
You probably think I'm a fool'

'If I say that things are hard with a crying face
Will it really get better?
If I cry and say it hurts, who will have a harder time?
Everyone will be fine'

- - -

The song ends.

"Yah! I'm sorry, stupid!" Youngjae yelled, jumping down from the table and striding toward Jaebum's table.

The older rolled his eyes and stood. "Extra much?" Jaebum retorted. Youngjae chuckled.

"Fuck you, by the way," Youngjae replied, stopping in front of Jaebum and smiling brightly.

"Youngjae, detention for standing on a table and cursing. Thursday and Friday after school!" A random teacher shouted. She'd been standing at the entrance and - because of the table's close proximity to the double doors - she overheard what Youngjae had said.

Jaebum turned around, glaring at the teacher. "Both of our groups have stood on that table a million times. Why did you miraculously start carrying now Miss?" Jaebum asked daringly. "Di you get ditched again?"

The woman clenched her jaw and bit her tongue, reminding herself that she'd be fired if she hit a student. "You can join him, Mr Im. For disrespected a teacher." She stormed out quickly.

"Bitch," Jaebum muttered under his breath.

"It's your turn to apologize," Youngjae said gently, holding out his hand as if Jaebum could physically hand it to him.

"I'm sorry for," Jaebum was sorry for many things but his brain had went blank. "Hurting thy feelings. I missed you annoying me, too - I guess." It was the best he could do for now. "Forgive me?"

Youngjae hummed before punching Jaebum's shoulder as hard as he could and ran out of the cafeteria with Jaebum racing after him.



HOw are y'all. I wrote this yesterday while watching Forrest Gump while my sister was dying my mom's hair ( was a weird night...).

...Never mind about the information roller coaster. It going to be more of a information carousel.


- Dora

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