Chapter 9

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||||||||| Peaches and Cream |||||||||

"Ice cream!" Youngjae cheered, finally realizing where they were. Jaebum found it irritating. In all honesty, Youngjae's mere existence had done nothing but annoy him today. Furthermore, the sudden switch from desperate to indifferent to bubbly hadn't failed to give him whiplash as well, yet Jaebum would be lying if he said he hated it.

The attention Youngjae gave him daily was admirable (although unwanted) and it had been fun pushing Youngjae's buttons like he had today, though he'd never admitted it.

"It's just ice cream. Chill," he dismissed.

Jinyoung had suggested grabbing something quick to eat. The other two hadn't expected the place to be an ice cream parlor that was the definition of pastel.

"Just ice cream?"

"Yes?" The youngest of the three gasped dramatically, his disbelief short-lived as seconds later he laced his arm with one of Jinyoung's, and skipping into the shop with the boy.

This is my chance. Jaebum could make a run for it and get home in record time. It was only a few blocks away, but did he want to leave?

Inside, Jinyoung stopped abruptly, slipping away from Youngjae after telling him to pick a table.

He quickly made his way back to the entrance, swinging the transparent door open. "You staying?" Jaebum nods slowing once the door closed behind Jinyoung, still confused as to why he wanted to extend this tortuous outing.

"Just don't make it obvious that I want to." Jinyoung blinked at the request.

"What?" Jaebum sighed, instantly regretting what he'd said.

"Do what you did at the library or whatever."


"I'm not letting him win, Jinyoung." Said male huffed, grumbling about how 'unbelievably petty' both Youngjae and Jabeum were before pulling Jaebum into the small building. There's no way out now, Jaebum thought as they neared the booth Youngjae had chosen. "I'll order," he offered once Jinyoung had sat down next to Youngjae, knowing that he'd end up doing so anyways.

"Strawberry in a cone," Jinyoung replied, pulling his phone out to play random games. Jaebum nodded, turning to Youngjae.


"I want--" Youngjae started.

The burgundy-haired boy doesn't spare a second, unconsciously guessing what the latter wanted: "Mint in a medium cup with gummy bears on the side 'cause you hate when the ice cream practically freezes them." Before Youngjae could question him, Jaebum was walking to the counter to order.

"How?" Youngjae asked Jinyoung, a little shaken (not that was lame). He hadn't had mint ice cream since middle school, leaving the flavour to be hopefully forgotten among other things in exchange for cookie dough or vanilla.

"Hell if I'd know," Jinyoung answered, clicking his tongue when he died in a game.

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