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|||||| » Liar, Liar, Liar « ||||||

"Have you forgotten how to speak?" Jinyoung asked, flopping down next to Jaebum in the middle of the court. Yugyeom rolled his eyes and threw the basketball, they were using, to Jaebum. He caught it lamely and stares at Jinyoung.

Half of the year/grade had gone on a field trip to sit through STEM[1] lectures at a nearby college. This left only Jaebum, Jinyoung and Yugyeom out of the seven in their group. Their sub had fallen asleep, and it was the lesson right before lunch, so they snuck out and ended up on the basketball court.

"There's this girl..." Jaebum started. Yugyeom and Jinyoung gasped dramatically. Jaebum exhaled sharply (dem, thinking of a way to not tell them that he might just believe Youngjae's vague gossip. "She's in the year below and someone told me that she was a bad person," Jaebum explained. The two other boys stared at him silently.

"Who told you?" Jinyoung inquired. Jaebum stiffened and Jinyoung instantly had the culprit in mind.

"I won't say."

"Ask her yourself," Yugyeom concluded. Jaebum nodded and hopped up, announcing that they were gonna start another round.

• • •

It was lunch, at the moment. Jaebum had been walking from the art room when he saw the girl from the day before.

"You!" He shouted, rushing towards her. Her eyes widened in utter horror and she started to walk away quickly but Jaebum broke out into a sprint and caught her wrist, caging her against a locker. The girl stared up at him with an evil glint in her eyes and Jaebum felt like scoffing.

"What are you going to do, oppa?" She asked. Even though he knew it was coming, Jaebum still flinched at the girl's sudden change and backed away, clearing his throat.

"What do you do on the weekend?"

Her expression drops to a confused - but lighter - one, "...I go to the beach sometimes and I work, during the weekend." Jaebum nodded slowly, running a hand down his face in frustration.

Youngjae lied. And Jaebum needed nor wanted a liar.

"Why do you ask?" Jaebum didn't know himself.

"I heard a rumor about you," Jaebum replied before walking away with his hands stuffed into his pockets.


[1]STEM - short for: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.



I'm kinda shook. I updated, on time, two times in a row!

BTW, my pseudonym will now be (even though no one really cares):


- Dora

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