Chapter 5: Studying Together?

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Yuma groaned in class, as he looked at a piece of paper in his hands. He sighed to himself and dropped his head on the top of his desk. "Oh.. no! I can't believe, I..failed this math quiz!"

"Yah..not to mention,'s worth..15% of your grade!" Tori yelled at him. "You should of..studied, Yuma! That's what..our teacher has been..telling us, all..this week." 

"I got a F. Now, I know, sister, isn't going to be..happy, about this."

"Wow..I got..a..C!?" Ray said, showing him his quiz.

"WHAT!?" Yuma took his paper and looked at it. "Get..this?"

"Actually, it's not..that hard, once, you understand it." Ray took his quiz back.

"Look, Yuma, you really..need to--" Tori was cut off when the bell rang.



Yuma put his papers that were on his desk, inside of his school bag. "Yuma, I need to you."

"Sure. Mr.--"

"And, you, too, Tori."

"Me? But..why?" Tori pointed to herself in confusion, as she walked up to the teacher's desk. Yuma walked up to the teacher. "What do you, want?"

"Look, I've been..grading your work, your tests, and some other things. looks like, you're not..doing good. You're..failing this class."

"WHAT!? I..AM!?" Yuma sweatdropped and looked down.

"Yes..And, I'm afraid, that..if'll be..the worse for you and your grade."

"Aww, man."

"Which is..why.." the teacher put his hand out to Tori, who was next to Yuma. "I want Tori, to be your help you, with your studies."


"'Cause, Tori, you're a great student. And, have been..getting good grades, in this class."

"Oh, thanks."

"So..what do you, say, Yuma?" the teacher asked.

"Uh.." Yuma looked at Tori. "Tori, may I, get some help..with studying, for this class?"

"Sure," Tori accepted.

"Great. We'll my home, after school."


After school, Tori walked with Yuma, to his house. Yuma opened the door, running inside. "I'm..back, Mom and Dad!"

"Yuma!" his parents said.

"It's so good, to son," the blonde-haired lady said.

"Hey, Yuma." Yuma's dad said.

"Hmm.." Tori walked in and closed the door, she looked at Yuma's parents. "So, these..are your parents, Yuma? This is..the first time, I've ever..met them, before."

"Uh..yah." Yuma scratched his head.

"And, who..might this..young lady, be?" Yuma's mom said, looking at Tori.

"Uh..Hi, I'm..Tori. Tori Meadows." Tori waved to the pair of adults. "Nice to meet you, Mr. and..Mrs. Tsukumo."

"Tori? I' much, about you, from Yuma."

"You.." Tori looked confused. And, she looked at Yuma, with a odd facial expression. "Have?" Yuma sweatdropped and chuckled, being nervous, he looked away from her.

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