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Demis POV

Today im going to take Rachel to a carnival, its the first day so there will be alot of people. I really hope they will leave us alone "soooo where you taking me?" she asked resting her head on my shoulder "we are going to a carnival" i smiled at her as i put my arm over her, she snuggled closer to me. "isnt it going to be crowded" she asked and playing with my braclets, "yeah but itll be fine" i said, that was the biggest lie ive told.


We arrived at the carnival and just as we thought it was so crowded. i stepped out and held my hand out to rachel, she took it and we walked up to the line with max right on our tail. Right away people started to recognise us and take pictures, we finally got in and decided to play some games "what games you wanna play" i asked taking her hand in mine "this one" she said and walked up to a guy, i gave him the money and he handed her a gun "what the hell kind of game is this" i said, she smiled and rolled her eyes before aiming and shooting at a target.

     We walked around and played games and got on some rides, it got late and cold so i gave my jacket to her, i won rach a big monkey and she won me a stuffed dog, i then told her i had to use thee restroom so i handed the prizes to max and went, but there was a line.

Rachels POV

Demi went to the bathroom and max left to put our things in the car so i just waited on a bench. "whats up dyke" i heard a familiar voice say, i looked up and there stood the bitch squad of my whole school, there were five of them so they surounded me, i then felt a sharp pain in my face "i asked you a question" Mandy the leader said, shes never hit me before so this wasnt going to end well "dont you dare fucking touch me" i said with a bit of venom in each word as i stood up "what are you going to do about it" she said by now there was a small crowd, i was about to say somthing but was interupted by nother slap, they werent hard enough to leave a mark but she still has no right to touch me. i then punched her straight in the face, she stumbbled back and i looked to the crowd, to my luck demi stood there with wide eyes. as i walked up to her a hand landed on my shoulder, i turned and seen a fist come towards me but i grabbed it and twisted it around mandys back then pushed her to the floor. i looked back at demi and she had her hand over her mouth with shock writen all over her face she then turned and walked away "DEMI!" i yelled and ran after her "where are you going come fight" mandy yelled to me "fuck off!" i yelled back as i reached demi "what was that" she said pissed off "Why are you getting mad at me" i yelled "stop yelling" " NO! your getting mad at me for something i had no intension on doing, you think i like getting in fights having people walked up to me and say rude comments? because i dont it gets me mad and then it always gets out of hand!" i yelled at her "Im not mad at you but you know what i am now because your taking it out on me!" she yelled back

Demis POV

" im not taking it out on you!" she yelled again "Yes you are, can you stop being a bitch!" i yelled back at her, she looked at me with tears in her eyes "im sorry i didn-" she cut me off "save it im leaving" she said and walked away. ugghhh im so stupid i probably just ruined everything between us, i really hate myself right now, 'who wouldnt hate you' my demons said to me, of coarse they would show up now 'miss us' 'you mess everything up' 'go home you now what you need to do' they said to me as tears flowed down my cheeks. I ran to my car and drove straight home it was dark now so max left earlier, i walked into my house and fell to the floor not bothering to close the front door, i was crying, why do i have to screw things up 'do it you know you want to' "NO!" i shouted 'yes you thought you could get away but no we are here so go do it' i got up with tears rushing down my face and walked to the bathroom. I was about to relapse.

Rachels POV

I cant believe she said that, sure ive been called a bitch before but coming from myy girlfriend it hurts, a lot. i walked home and texted demi right away. are you home? i got no reply i texted a couple more times but still got no reply, this worried me because no matter what she would always text back. I decided to go check on her so i grabbed my keys and headed over to her house. I pulled into the driveway and got out, i walked up to her door and was about to knock when i seen it was opened. I heard steps then a door close so i slowly opened it, i seen demis stuff thrown on the floor with drops of tears on there as well. I walked further in then seen the bathroom light was on, i heard shuffling and a thump, i opened the door. There was Demi sitting on the tile floor of her bathroom...........

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