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Demis POV

Me and rachel just got done unpacking her things so i went to take a shower. When i got out, and dressed, I walked down the hall and heard crying. I stopped at the end of the hallway so i can hear what was going on. I heard papers flipping and cries, then a loud crash as the cries turned to sobs. I ran out and a glass was shattered on the groun with, what seemed like a book lying beside it. I looked at rachel, she had her face in her hands, knees to her chest and was rocking back and forth muttering the word why. Slowly i walked up to her placed her legs on the ground, and pulled her hand away from her face "baby, whats wrong?" i asked softly wiping away a tear that was falling from her red puffy eyes. She didnt answer, but still looked me in the eyes. I can see the fear and hurt her face held, she shook her head and threw her arms around me holding on for dear life. "Get that book and burn it" she said, i pulled away from her embrace giving her a confused look. She looked past me and at the worn out book, i can see the angry fire in her eyes grow the longer she looked at it. "Whats written in the book" i asked gently moving her head to look at me, "My past" she simply stated. I stood and walked over to it, avoiding the sharp crystal i picked it up and studied its old features. The faded black leather cover was scratched and peeling in some areas. My thumb brushed over a name in gold cursive lettering, Rachel Marie.

This was her diary.

With the journal still closed i looked at the pages, a light tan color, rips and tattered. I lightly stroking the edges with my fingertips, they were soft and fragile as if they havnt been touched for years. "You can read it" rachel said breaking me from my thoughts, i turned to her "No i cant, its your diary your secrets. I cant invade your privacy" i replied, she sighed while walking up to me and placing her hands on my waist "Secrets, these are a part of me a part you need to know. Privacy, reading this is not invading it, invading my privacy is when you wont let me go to the bathroom alone" she explained. I chuckled, she always knew how to make a joke in a serious conversation. "Read it" she whispered and rested our foreheads together, i kissed her passionatly and released when air became an issue. We made our way over to the couch, i sat on her lap and flipped to the last page. She played with my hair, i gasped and looked at her. Her eyes filled with tears, What did I just read.

May 19, 2013

Im sitting in the waiting room of a hospital for my sisters attemped suicide. Things were fine until i went to pick her up from school, she was in the seventh grade, Seventh Fucking Grade! I walked to her school and she was being called ugly, fat, stupid, whore, slut, and worthless. When we got home she ran straight to her room, i didnt think anything of it. A few hours went by and she still hasnt came down, i went to check on her. I walked to her room but she was in the bathroom, i knocked but she yelled at me to go away. I could tell she was crying, i heard a piece of metal fall on the tile, i knew what she was doing. I yelled for her to stop but then i heard her say 'im sorry' then a loud thud. I banged on the door but she wouldnt answer, i was crying by then. I decided to kick the door down. She was passed out on the floor, blood pouring down her arms and an empty pill bottle next to her. Now me my mom and dad are sitting waiting for some news about my 12 year old sister.

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