Twisted in Time Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Bad fights make for bad memories"

Justin's Point of View:

I rush out of my bedroom, so p****** at Jazymn. What the F*** Justin!!!!! Go back and apologize to her! I thought as I was running down the stairs and into the kitchen. Just as I was about to walk over to the fridge to get some milk, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it you guys! Don't worry about it!" I walk over and open the door to see a beautiful lady standing in my front door; outside of my house. "Ummm... hi." I started to hesitate and lick my lips uncontrollably.


This is a new character I'm putting into the story. There will be more characters added to the story soon! Thanks for understanding!



Maddie's Point of View:

"Hi! I'm doing a project for one of my classes, and I was wondering if I could interview you and ask questions about your career if you don't mind!?!?"

"Ummm... Sure!" He replies. "C'mon in!"

"Oh why thank you Justin!" I giggle, walking in. He stares at me, cold and hard with anger in his eyes. I hear him shut the door, and he leads me to the living room; gesturing for me to sit.

Justin's Point of View:

I sit down, trying to control myself from screaming; knowing she's my ex-girlfriend. "Ok listen Maddie, I know exactly what you want." I say calmly. "Well then, what do I want? Tell me Justin." She replies curiously.

"You want to have sex with me." I reply with confidence.

"And what else?"

"This..." I get the box out of my pocket, and down onto my knee. "Maddie Westbrook, I know that you love me, but I think that you don't really realize that I love you too. Will you marry me?"


This time I really hope you guys enjoyed the cliff-hanger I put at the end!!!!! Do you think Maddie will say yes or no? Let me know in the comments what you think!!!!





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